Eddy Salgado Eddy Salgado

How to make friends
pre-intermediate level


This is a pre-intermediate listening and speaking lesson taught to Local Development students at URACCAN-University. The class will provide students with innovative tech tools that will enable students get engaged in the lesson, and somehow, innovate in the classroom through the use of their cellphones in the learning process. Besides, the methodology implemented in the class will allow students to work in an intercultural environment where every individual will perform activities based on their own perspectives, values and beliefs.


Abc gap-fill text for detailed information

Main Aims

  • Listen for gist and specific information in the context of steps to make friends

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of friendship vocabulary
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a speaking activity in the context of making friends


Setting the context/Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic area

T presents survey through Poll Everywhere about making friends: Are you a friendly person? yes/no Learners use their phones to answer T conducts OCFB to elicit friendship vocabulary: is it good/bad to make many friends?

Pre-teach vocabulary (6-10 minutes) • To cover MFP of key vocabulary to aid completion of the tasks

1) You might not hit it off with everyone you talk to CC: Multiple choice option: a) have good relationship (positive) b) hate each other (negative) 2) But now you are a full-grown person CC: Multiple choice option: a) children b) adults 3) Pick out the activities that can be done in group settings CC: Multiple choice option: a) choose b) move 4) This can spark more interesting conversation CC: Multiple choice option: a) result in b) burn

Listening preparation and practicing vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To provide new vocabulary practice in spoken form

T presents a matching activity: Do you wanna be my friend? All your friends have moved away You have no friends People you already have things in common with What's been the best part of your week? Learners match the sentences with their equivalents in Spanish Learners check answers in pairs T conducts OCFB T elicits some answers to personalize content T reformulates

Listening for gist (5-7 minutes) • To provide an initial familiarity with the audio

T presents an image and elicits a title Learners choose the title that best describes the image a) how to make a friend in four simple steps b) how to get along well with friendly people c) how to overcome shyness T plays an audio and learners identify the main idea Learners share point of views T provides OCFB

Listening for detailed information (6-8 minutes) • To get more information of the text

Listen to the audio and fill in the blanks When you were a kid, making friends was a little easier than it is now. - Do you wanna be my friend? It was, step one, be within a 14 foot radius of another kid. Step two, done. But now you're a full-grown person. All your friends have moved away, or you have, to pursue a career. Step one: Make a list of the things you like to do. Activities, hobbies, interests, write 'em all down. Pick out the activities that can be done in group settings. Step two: do those things. Doing stuff you're into is a surefire way to meet people you already have things in common with. Though it can be scary for some of us. Step three: Make small talk. I know it sucks, but it's a necessary evil. You might not hit it of with everyone you talk to. But trying is the only way to find someone you do connect with. Step four: Be a great friend. Making new friends can be intimidating. But what's on the other side is worth the effort. Just remember that friendships aren't found, they're formed. -Pair check -OCFB

Post-follow-up task (20-25 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text in a communicative way

-Learners get in pairs and choose language to befriend people -T demoes -Learners prepare some ideas -T scaffolds the task by eliciting useful language to befriend people -T demoes with one learner -Learners work in pairs -Learners present in open class

Feedback - DEC (5-10 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and language

-T selects good learners' language to praise -T writes learners' language production and prepares activities for correction and reformulation -Learners take time to select correct language and correct the incorrect language

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