Erlend Erlend

B1 level


In this lesson Ss learn about Capitals of Culture through listening activities, followed by conversations about cities with culture. There is also a grammar revision of object / subject questions.


Abc WB
Abc CD
Abc Handout ex3
Abc Word Order ex1
Abc Pictures of Cities
Abc Handout ex3 AK

Main Aims

  • To provide specific and detailed listening practice using a text about Brasilia and Sibiu in the context of Capitals of Culture

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a discussion in the context of cultural city.


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show picture of Istanbul and stick it on the white board (WB). Ask Ss if they recognize this city? Sure, they will. Ask Ss "Why do you think tourist come to/visit Istanbul?" Ss in pairs to discuss this and make a small list. Take whole class (W/C) feedback. Try to elicit culture from Ss. They say Istanbul has a lot of culture. Ask Ss to name things that they think is culture. Build up a list on WB, e.g. art, museums, monuments, history, theater. Take whole class (W/C) feedback.

Pre-Listening (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T reads to Ss: "Every year, cities in Europe, the Americas and the Arab World are chosen to be "Capitals of Culture". Each city puts on a year-long programme of cultural events in order to attract visitors and bring different cultures together." Ask Ss if they can can remember in what year Istanbul was a Capital of Culture. (2010) Ask Ss if they can name another official Capital of Culture? Take W/C FB and check with your list.

While-Listening #1 (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Tell Ss that they are going to hear about two cities that were named Capitals of Culture: Brasilia and Sibiu. Ask Ss if they know either of these cities and to which country they belong? (Brazil / Romania) Take W/C FB Tell Ss that in the first listening, Ss will need to decide which city was most affected by being Capital of Culture. ICQs: What is another word for affected? Changed / Influenced. Will I ask details about the text after you listen? No Will I ask the name of one of the cities? Yes Play the recording. Ss check their answer with a peer, and discuss why they chose that city. Take W/C feedback.

While-Listening #2 (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Tell Ss that they will try to guess the answers to the detailed questions on the handout (ex3). ICQs: Are you going to work in pairs or alone? Alone Are you going to listen to the recording again? No Are you going to guess the answers? Yes Is the answer for every question the name of one of the two cities? Yes Give Ss the handout. (1 min) Ss check their answers with a peer. (1 min) Tell Ss they will listen to the recording again now, so they can check their answers. Ss work individually. In the meanwhile, T hangs answer keys around the classroom (2 versions) After Ss listened to the recording, Ss check the answer keys. Take W/C FB

Post-Listening (5-6 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Tell Ss they will get a handout about the question asked in the recording. Tell Ss that they have to put the words in order to make correct questions? ICQs: What do you need to do to make these questions correct? Change the word order. Give Ss the handout. (2 min) Ss check with a peer. (1 min) A representative of each pair writes the correct sentence on WB. (2 min) W/C FB.

Speaking Follow-Up (8-9 minutes) • Provide Ss speaking practice by talking about which cities and their (cultural) features.

Put Ss in pairs. Tell Ss, they have to tell their partner which of the two places they would prefer to visit, and why? (4 min) T monitors and makes language notes. Put Ss in different pairs. Modify the questions on WB so they are questions about Istanbul. Ss in pairs discuss and try to find the answers. (4 min) T monitors and makes language notes.

Correction / Feedback Stage (3-4 minutes) • To provide Ss with examples of excellent and erroneous sentences they produced.

T writes some sentences produced by Ss on the WB, both good and bad. T praises correct sentences, and elicits the correct answers from Ss for erroneous sentences.

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