Ehsan Taebi Ehsan Taebi

Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about present simple and present continuous based on the coursebook material Global Int U1, P9. Students review the grammar through a discovery box and then do controlled practice in the exercises that follow, a gapped text titled 'Machine Translation' and ex 4. The lesson ends with a freer speaking practice where some useful language has been indicated.


Cns06qubrdavduewei77 ppt PPT
Abc W/B
Abc Audio Material
Abc W/B
Abc W/B
Abc W/B
Abc W/B
Abc W/B

Main Aims

  • To provide review and extension of Ss' knowledge of present simple vs continuous in the context of ESP (e.g. aviation)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a paired conversation in the context of learning languages


Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To link the listening on p.8 to to the topic of the gramar lesson

Write on the board: Why are you learning English? Do you need English for a specific job? If so, how are you learning it? Can Henry help you with this? Elicit some ideas. Encourage others to ask follow-up questions. FB: write some of the ideas on the w/b. (present simple and continuous)

Language Focus - Meaning (5-7 minutes) • to raise awareness of the meaning of present simple / continuous

M: Ss work alone to stick their labels (i.e. one present simple and two present continuous) onto the correct gaps. ex. 1 Ss Peer Check w/c FB on the PPT Analysis of Meaning: Show the timelines on the PPT. Elicit which is for PS which for PC. Option: Ss listen to the interview on p.8 and stand up when they hear present continuous and sit down when they hear present simple. (ex 2)

Language Focus - Form (5-7 minutes) • To elicit from the students the form of present simple and continuous

Elicit the difference in form. Use the timelines and the CCQs in the PPT. Drill 'moving gap' sentences to practise form (e.g. Ss: She speaks English T: now Ss: She is speaking English now) - chorally, in groups and individually

Language Focus - Pronunciation (4-6 minutes) • to help Ss with the -ing sound and rhythm in sentences.

P: Model the pronunciation of -ing. Model the pronunciation of contractions. Elicit where the sentence stress falls and draw circles on the board. Drill the sentences with contractions. (use finger highlighting) Option: Ask Ss to read out the sentences in ex 4 loud in pairs.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • to provide useful practice in meaning and form in the context of Machine Translation

Warm-up: Elicit the name of the contraption in the picture (i.e a pocket translator) Ask if they have one and if it is useful for them. Elicit some ideas. Ask Ss to read for the gist. Ss read and report to the class what they have understood W/c FB Ss fill in the gaps with appropriate form of the verb Ss Peer-check FB papers stuck on the walls of the classroom with the answers Ss do ex. 4 in pairs. T Monitors w/c FB

Semi-Controlled Practice/ Speaking and Personalisation (10-15 minutes) • to provide opportunity for useful practice of the language communicatively

Ask Ss: what are these in the box? (languages) elicit their pronunciation. Model and drill as necessary. Ss choose the top five languages in the world. (ex 1) Peer-check: students compare their answers with another group w/c FB - T gives the answer on the PPT Draw Ss attention to the 'Useful Phrases' Box. Give Ss some time to read and help as necessary. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer questions in ex 2. (in two lines face to face, standing up) T monitors and notes errors and good language. FB Ss try to remember as much information about their peers and possible.

Language Feedback (4-6 minutes) • to give feedback on the language Ss used during the freer practice activity

T gives language FB through elicitation Good language use and/or reformulations

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