David J. Lyndon David J. Lyndon

Teaching Practice 1 - David Lyndon
B2 level


This lesson will review using simple present and present continuous tenses with special emphasis on the usage with state verbs. It will then encourage students to use the two tenses correctly in natural speech.


Main Aims

  • To provide review of Simple Present and Present Continuous in the context of Jobs and Careers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give students speaking practice using simple present tense and continuous in the context of discussing language learning.


Warm Up (3-5 minutes) • To introduce the first example sentences and tie the grammar to the final task.

Write the question, "Where do you speak English?" on the board. Give the example answer, "I speak English at home with my wife." Ask the class what situations they speak English in. Gather 2 or 3 answers from the class and write them on the board in the long form. Ask them what situations they need to speak Turkish in. Gather a few examples and write one on the board. This one will be in the long form and look something like "I need to speak Turkish when I go to the bank". Ask them what language they are speaking now? We are speaking English now. Do we need to speak English now? Elicit the response "Yes. We need to speak English now." and write this on the board.

Rule Identification (3-5 minutes) • To remind students of the rules that decide when we use the present simple tense, and when we use the present continuous tense, with especial regard for state verbs.

Looking at the examples on the board, ask students to identify why we use the present simple in the first three sentences (routine) and why we use present continuous (current). Hand out the worksheet and ask them to individually write down the two rules they just identified in the correct box. After a few minutes of monitoring, check the answers. Ask the students what they thought state verbs were, and which category. Show the verb need in the example on the board as the state verb. Elicit more state verbs from students.

State Verb Introduction (Optional) (3-5 minutes) • If 'state verbs' is a new or unfamiliar concept for the class, we will familiarize the students with the concept of state verbs, and some common state verbs with their useage.

Give three state verbs (need, like and understand) and write them on the board. Ask how they are different from verbs like run, swim, learn. Elicit that there is no action. Explain that there is no beginning-middle-end. Elicit other possible examples from the class. Once the concept is established and understood (determined by whether the class can give other examples) I will hand out the common state verbs list.

Reading and Identifying (10-15 minutes) • To display examples of the present simple and present continuous tenses in context, and relate to the students why the speaker used the given tense.

I will ask the students to work in pairs to find as many examples of the simple present tense and simple continuous tense in the interview text on the handout as they can in five minutes. The examples should be underlined. I will also ask them for each example, to be able to explain which rule (that we talked about previously, ie habit) is the reason for that particular tense. I will give three examples, each of which has been underlined previously in the text. I will give the first example, and elicit the second and third. I will monitor as the students do this. After 5 minutes I will call on each pair (if there is time) to give one example and explain which rule it adheres to. If a particular rule is not strongly represented in the examples, I will focus the students on an example of that rule, and ask for the reason.

Fill in the blanks Practice (Optional) (5-10 minutes) • (If we are moving quickly) To check that students can choose the correct tense for themselves under controlled conditions. This checks understanding of the concept.

I will write the question. "What is the article about?" on the board and then I will hand out the page with the "Machine Translation" exercise on it. I will first ask the students to take 2 minutes and scan through the exercise to tell me what it is about. After two minutes I will get the answer (Machine Translation) and I will ask if they have any questions on vocabulary. As an interesting cultural fact I will let them know that Turkey is the second biggest user of Facebook in the world, and lots of people use translation software to communicate with friends (and their teachers) using Facebook messages. After explaining any difficult vocabulary I will ask them to fill in the blanks using the suggested verb (in brackets) using the correct tense. I will elicit the first one as an example, and then let them continue. We will review the exercise as a class. ( I will need to explain that there are two possible answers for use and translate).

Answer the questions Production (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to choose the correct tense in familiar contexts according to the rules that we have established.

I will ask the students to look at the five situations on the handout and take two minutes to think about which tense they would use to answer each one. After the two minutes is up I will tell the students that they will work in pairs. The first person will ask the second, "What would you say if...." and then the situation. The second person will then ask the same question to the first. I will use the example with a student to demonstrate the exercise, and also that there could be many possible answers. As people talk I will monitor the conversations and check understanding.

Speaking Practice (5-10 minutes) • To allow the students to practice the concepts that we have learned today in the familiar context of talking about learning English.

I will write the following questions on the board (Which languages do you speak? How well do you speak them? What other languages do people speak in Turkey? What languages are you planning to learn in the future? Why are you planning to learn them?) I will ask students to stand up and walk around. They must ask some or all of these questions to other students. When answering, I will remind them to pay special attention to the tense that they use, and I will give the example of (People speak English and only English in England, I am planning to learn German after Turkish, because there are many people in Istanbul who speak German). I will monitor the conversation by walking with the students.

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