Samar khaled Samar khaled

Past models
GR 4 level


In this lesson students will learn Past Modals through guided discovery.The session will be the review of the previous grammar lesson of Past Modals taught by Afroze. I will clarify ambiguities and will provide some controlled and semi-controlled practices. Finally I'll provide a situation in which the learners will use the target language as freely as possible.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Past Modals in the context of Behaviour( reactions)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice the TL (Past Modals) the learners work on.
  • To provide fluency for the learners by leading them to use past modals in a free environment.


Video and Activity (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I play a video about regret and let Ss watch and have fun. Then, I give Ss cards containing some situations that show some bad days in kids lives. In each situation I call a pair of Ss to act the situation with cards and elicit ideas with few students which are raising their hands in each situation about what was supposed to do in it. ICQs: - are we going to do the activity in pairs or individually? - is the pair saying a situation from card or its mind? - After, are you gong to raise your hand to share or I choose?

contextualization (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I tell them a situation in written dialogue, let pair of Ss read it then open a discussion about the context. My friend Farida wants to play swimming and gymnastics but she has to choose one sport She has chosen Swimming. But it's winter and it's very cold. I told her "You should have chosen gymnastics" She replied, "I could have chosen gymnastics, but I like the water." I said to her: Are you sad about your choice? She said, "If I knew swimming would make me cold, I would have chosen gymnastics" Then she said, "I would have chosen gymnastics, but my love of water attracted me to swimming." So, let's go back sentence by sentence: 1- You should have chosen gymnastics. Do I advise her? Did she choose or will choose? so, the action is in the past? I tell her that your choice was wrong and the right choice was Gymnastics. 2- I could have chosen Gymnastics, but I like the water. -Has she played Gymnastics? - Has she chosen or will choose? - So, the action is in the past? we say could have. 3- I would have chosen Gymnastics, but my love of water attracted me to swimming. - does she have the intention to choose Gymnastics? - Has she wanted to choose Gymnastics? - Has something made her change her choice? - Has she chosen or will choose? So, the action happened in past?

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1- when we give advice to someone or ourselves about an action happened in past we say (should have). it's impossible to redo the action and change our behavior. 2- She was able to choose Gymnastics, but something which is (she like water) made her change her choice. She had the ability to choose Gymnastics, she had two choices. When we had the ability to do something but we didn't do it, we say (could have). It shows the possibilities that we have to do in the past. 3- She imagines that she behaved in another way, but she the action was done and wont change. When we talk about something we wanted to do in the past but didn't do it we say would have. It shows the behaviour that we had the intention to do in the past.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Form: contraction: Notice that (would have) has a contraction which is (Apostrophe+d+have) Pronunciation: I say the first sentence above 3 times in each form( positive, negative and question form). After each form I drill Ss to say together, then choose some students to say it individually. And so on second and third sentence forms.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I show exercise 3 from the book which is (fill the gaps with the correct form of the verb). now, we are going to solve exercise 3 part 1. In numbered heads structure you will answer this exercise. you are writing the answers beside the gap not into it tell you know the correct one with class. How we use this structure? 1. Students number off: 2. Teachers asks a question and gives “think time”. 3. Students privately write own answers [solo time]. 4. Students stand up, put heads together [huddle up], show answers, discuss, and coach if necessary. 5. Students sit down when everyone knows the answer or has something they can share. 6. Teacher calls a number; that numbered student from each group stands and simultaneously answers the teacher’s question. 7. Teammate’s praise [CELEBRATE] students who responded. Write your answers in copybook not into the gaps. your time is 6 min. ICQs: - Are you going to work individually till the end? - Will you stay standing up when finish discussion? - Do you have 10 min? Then, I show the model answers on board to compare.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

we will solve exercise 3 part 2 which is (answer the questions with your own based on the situation). now, you are going to answer this part in rally robin structure. How do we use this structure? Using the topic given, the partner that comes first in Alphabetical order goes 1st. 2.After the 1st partner shares one thing, partner 2 shares one thing; repeat. 3.You “Rally” the topic like this until the teacher calls time. you have 6 mins. you are writing the answers in your copybook till check with class. ICQs: - are you writing your answers in book? - are you solving individually? do you have 3 or 6 mins? Then you I will call partner of each pair to share answers in Rally Coach Structure. How to share in the Rally Coach structure? • Partner A solves or answers 1st question. • Partner B watches, listens, coaches, and praises. • Partner B solves next question. • Partner A watches, listens, coaches, and praises. ICQs: does Partner A answer all questions? is Partner B playing while Partner B is answering? how many minutes do you have?

Free talk (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In groups, take turns telling true stories about the situations below, listen to your classmates and make suggestions. How should they have done? What could they have done? What would they have done if they have guessed the future? weren't very polite. had an argument. hung up of someone. lost your temper. made a complaint.

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