Reading social style Examine the " Extrovert Ideal"
level 4 level
In this lesson students learn about the behaviors are typical of extroverts and introverts people and the benefits of this behaviors and discus meanings of introverts , extroverts, introverts
Main Aims
4- 1- practicing skimming and scaming skills in readings 2-increasing their anticipation skills (through word-guessing activety)
4- 1- practicing skimming and scaming skills in readings 2-increasing their anticipation skills (through word-guessing activety)
Subsidiary Aims
2- Exposing them to some vocabulary items they are responsible for it
1-Reinforcing students comprehension skills through speaking
befor reading • To provide students with the new meanings for the words.
first thing I want to make play with student by choosing on of them and ask him to thing on any thing he want and ask their friends to speak with him and speak together based him then when we finish i ask him if he can think in good way or no and i discus this with students and i ask another student to set alone and thing on some thing he want and aske him if he can thing and whch beter for thing to be introverts or extrovert and why
on reading • To provide students with the new meanings for the words.
first i order from student to reade the text and we discuss the meaning its important for the student by cards then i asking the student the good things in introverts and extroverts and i ask them about the writers and what her opinion
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