Valeria O Valeria O

I am very lucky
Elementary level


In this lesson students will learn and practice the use of adjectives with very, really, quite and too, in the context of lucky and unlucky people.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of adjectives with very, really, quite and too in the context of lucky and unlucky people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about winners and losers in the context of good luck.


Lead -in (3-4 minutes) • To present the context of the lesson and interest students.

T greets students and explains that they'll talk about luck during the lesson. Students are asked two questions related to luck. Ss answer for the class to listen.

Text work (gist and scanning) (6-8 minutes) • Ss read to identify lexis in context and to get the gist of a text.

Ss are told to read the text "Winners and losers" about the stories of two people. While reading ss must find the words: very, really, quite and too. After they have read, ss are put into breakoutrooms to discuss who is lucky and who is unlucky in the text. OCFB is carried out afterwards.

Language clarification (10-12 minutes) • To cover meaning, form and pronunciation of the TL.

T draws attention to the examples ss identified in the text containing the words very, really, quite, too. SS read them aloud. The TL is presented in a cline. T asks the following questions for students to discover the meaning and form: 1. What word is emphasized in each sentence? 2. What type of word is “cold”? 3. Are very cold and too cold the same? 4. Which one has a negative meaning? 5. CCQs: Is the adverb before or after the adjective “cold”? T writes the form of the language in the presentation. Adverb + Adjective The adverb comes after the verb be and before adjective. T has students count the syllables of the TL and drills pronunciation individually and in group.

Controlled practiuce (5-8 minutes) • To provide controlled practice of the TL.

SS are instructed to complete a task in a google form and choose the correct adverb to complete a set of sentences. They complete individually and share their answers in the chat. OCFB is carried out to check correct answers.

Freer practice (6-10 minutes) • To provide ss with an opportunity to use the language in a speaking activity.

In pairs and breakout rooms students are instructed to name a city, country or place using a list of adverb+ adjective. T models the activity before setting the rooms. T monitors the activity After the activity, DEC is carried out.

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