tugba tugba

Tp 4
pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will start with a little discussion and they will listen to a tv program and do some exercises related to the programme. After that, the Ss will focus on some phrases and finally, they will finish the lesson with a discussion.


Main Aims

  • To practice listening and speaking.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice functional language for egreeing and disagreeing.


Lead-in • To set the lesson context and engage students.

1. T shows a discussion programme picture and asks about the picture and gets the famous discussion programmes names from the Ss. 2. T shows another picture of a famous man in turkey, makes TV programmes about education. Links to the education subjet.

Discussion • To activate Ss background information related to the subject and prepare them for the main task.

1. T groups Ss in 3 2. Gives discussion cards to the Ss. 3. They will have 6 min. 4. WC FB

Listening activity 2a (4-5 minutes) • To practice listening.

1. Teacher shows the TV discussion program picture in Ss course book and asks about the picture. 2. T chests the handout and shows the questions on the handout. 3. T says 'Listen to the TV programme and answer the questions' 4. WC FB

Listening activity 2b (Listening for gist) (4-5 minutes) • To get the general idea of the listening.

1. Ss look at the picture of a TV programme that teacher showed before in the lesson. 2. T asks Ss to listen to the programme and find which people in the picture think that university education should be free. 3. WC FB

Listening activity 2c (Listening for detailed information) (7-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in reading for details.

1. Ss listens to the programme one more time and decides the statements on the handout are true or false. 2. WC FB

Example 3 (matching phrases with their meanings) (3-4 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of the phrases used in discussions.

1. T changes the partnets by changing the seat of one student and says 'you two, you two...' by showing at the same time. 2. Ss looks at the phrases and decide if they are 'agreeing, disagreeing or asking for opinions'

FB of the activity 3 (3-4 minutes) • To give feedback by clarifying the differences between phrases.

1. T gives the cards, written the phrases on, to the Ss and wants them to stick in the correct colomn on the WB. 2. T makes a demo.

Practice activity (5-6 minutes) • To practice the phrases.

1 T shows a little box and says 'You will take a card and read rhe sentence on it and ask for your friens opinion on it. Your friend will answer by using these phrases'. 2 T makes a demo

Discussion Activity 6 (10-15 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in semi-controlled speaking.

1. T asks Ss to think about the statemest on the handout and decide if they are agree or disagee and why. 2. T makes groups of 3 and Ss talk about the sentences they thought about and ask more questions about the subject. 3. Error Correction on the WB

If-Time activity (Speaking) (5-6 minutes) • To practice speaking

1. WC FB 2. error correction on the board.

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