Christopher Christopher

B2 Intermediate level


In this lesson the students will learn about the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous tenses through a series of guided lessons and freer practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice using PPC/PPS tenses.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice with PPC/PPS in a conversational context.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets SS, requests they silence their phones and keep their microphones on during the lesson whenever possible in order to facilitate two-way conversation without pause. Also recommend that they have some paper nearby for notes. T shares screen, withTP-8_Slides #1 and confirms everyone cane see it. T asks the SS to describe what they see in the 2 pictures and asks leading questions to try and elicit PPC/PPS responses. Responses that fit this criteria are repeated aloud by the T.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a short text

Now let's check our assumptions related to these two pictures. T shares screen with slides, advances to slide 2, verifies SS can see it. T: Please take a moment to read these two stories for gist. You will have 2 minutes, then we will discuss and answer those questions. ICQs How much time will you have to read? (2 min) When done, advance to Slide 3. Q:Do these stories take place in the Past, Present or Future? A: In the Past and the Present. They started in the past, but sound like they are ongoing. Q:How do we now? A; They use specific language that implies continuity. Q: What are some of the words that tell us this? A: Was, Recently, Had, Since, Always. T moves cursor to identify the words as the SS name them then drops screen share and continues- There are actually two tenses at play here, Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous. Have any of you heard of these terms before? Y/N? Yes - very good. As you know, as you might know then, there are some rules that come into play, so lets examine the meaning and form of these tenses. No - that's ok. Fortunately for us, there are some simple rules and common key works to help us know the difference between these two tenses. If answer is no, additional CCQs are to be added in the next stage after presentation.

Clarification (14-16 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language utilizing both tenses

Let's look at some of those rules, key words and the use of these two tenses. T Shares screen w/ Slide 4, asks student to read the underlined sentence. T reads form and timeline. Asks SS to read sample sentences. Do not correct pronunciation yet. T asks SS to read signal words, then advances to slide 5. T: Let's look at the use and pronunciation of PPS. T reads rules, asks SS to read and pronounce sentences. Spot correction pronunciation as needed. Advance to Slide 6, repeat process with PPC. CCQ: T, That was excellent, now let's go back to the two stories and try to identify the correct form. Advance to slide 8 and move through to slide 12 as SS answer questions. T drops screen share and answers any questions before proceeding.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T: Now let's review the rules. T shares TP-* Side 13 If class is big enough to support teams (4+), break into groups, otherwise procced as class. Thinking about what we just discussed, I would like each of you to take a moment to read through the two texts one last time. Try to identify the key words that indicate PPC/PPS. Once you are finished, we will answer these questions and complete the rules. Give SS 1-2 min to scan text. T calls on SS in turn to answer: 1. PPC 2. PPS 3 PPC 4. PPS SS are asked to identify one sentence for either text for each example. Do not get hung up on this, keep an eye on time and keep moving.

Freer Practice (11-13 minutes) • To provide students with a creative practice of PPC/PPS meaning, in context through a verbal exercise.

T shares screen with Slide 14 Now we are going to play a little role-playing game. We are going to interview each other about any topic you like. Ask as many questions as you need, to come up with four answers - two in the PPC and two in the PPS. I have a sample here that we can go through. T asks SS to read interviewer questions by number. T provides answers. T then asks SS to read the answers. Next you are each going to become the interviewer and ask your classmate some questions. Remember, they can be about anything you like, but a simple topic is probably best. I have some ideas on the slide you can use if you have trouble coming up with a topic. You will have (6-8 minutes, depending on lesson time) to complete this exercise. Then each of you will read the answers to your interview. ICQ: How many questions are you to ask your classmate? A: As many as needed to come up with 4 answers. How many answers do you need to provide in Past Perfect simple? 2 How long will you have to do this? (6-8) Advance to Slide 15 "idea slide" during exercise. T monitors questioning and makes notes for OCFB Once complete, stop sharing screen. SS are asked to present their answers and state if they are PPC/PPS and why. OCFB as needed. T thanks SS for their time and attention.

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