Riley Riley

TP 5
Upper intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, student will practice speaking for fluency using short open ended questions to keep the conversation going in a small talk context.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will practice listen for details.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Greeting and show Slide 1: ask 2-3 questions to each student. include "What are the other evening classes you do except English class?" Show Slide 2: "look at the picture, can anyone tell me what's in this picture?" - "evening class schedule" "Would you like to do any of these evening classes?"

Exposure (4-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

Instructions: "We will listen to a conversation of Chloe and Sophie, XX, can you tell me what question you need to answer after listening to the conversation?" - "Which evening class is Chloe taking?" ICQ: "We need to find out the evening class for Chloe or Sophie?" - "Chole" Task set up and monitor: Play the first few seconds of the listening "Give me a thumb up if you can hear it." FB: "Which 2 classes are Chole taking?" - "Digital photography and Creative writing" "Any questions for now?"

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Instructions and task setup: Show Slide 4: "I have a question, can you tell me what questions did you hear in this conversation?' - free answer If Ss can't answer the question, lead to the answer: "Did you hear something start with why, how, or what?" CCQ: "Can you answer these questions using yes or no?" - " no" - "very good, we call them open-ended questions" "Will these questions help you keep the conversation going? why?" - "Yes, because you will get more information from the answer" Show Slide 5: "Let's look at some questions." "Should I say 'how IS it going' or 'how's it going?" - "How's it going?" "Where are the stresses?" - "How and Going" "Everybody, let say this 3 times, as fast as possible." "XX, can you say the second sentence?" "Everybody together, let's say it happily." "XX, can you say the third sentence like " "Everybody together, let's say it like Siri." "XX, can you say the fourth sentence?" "Everybody, let say this ono 3 times, as fast as possible." "XX, can you say the last sentence " "Everybody together, let's say it like sadly." FB: "Very good! any questions?"

Productive Task(s) (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Instructions: "Next, we will do a small practice" "First, XX, can you help me to give an example?" - "Yes" "I ask, you answer." - I will use these 5 useful languages to keep the conversation going "Thank you XX" "I'll put these 5 sentences in the chatbox, we will use them to talk about 2 of these topics." "I'll also put these topics in the chatbox, you'll have 10 mins" ICQ: "How many topics do you need to discuss?" - "2" "How long do you need to keep talking?" - "10 mins" Task setup and monitor: Sent the Ss to the breakout room for pair of 2. Put the useful language and topics in the chatbox, type the start time. join the breakout room with mic/camera off, take notes of common mistakes for the FB stage

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

FB on content: Ask Ss information given by their partners: "XX, who is your partner? what did you talk about?" FB on language: highlight mistakes from monitoring notes, elicit correct use of language.

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