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Present Perfect with for and since
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about present perfect with for and since through GD and control and free practice.


Abc Face to Face

Main Aims

  • To provide introduce and practice present perfect with for and since in the context of motorhome living.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about present perfect in the context of living in a mobile home


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students will see some pictures of motorhomes and a family of 14 that lives there. I will ask them if they would every consider living in a motor home. Why/why not? We will do this in OC.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will first show the students the 2 questions.Where does Meg live?( She lives in a motor home.) Does she enjoy it? (Yes, she loves it.) I will give the students 2 minutes and tell them to read the text quickly and answer the 2 questions in their notebook. After, I will show them the answer in OCFB.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will have the students do a gap fill where they fill in the blanks from the text and put their answers in their notebook. I will give them 2 minutes and then we will do an OCFB to check their answers. We’ve been (married) for twelve (years). We’ve (lived) in our motor home since (2008) and we really love it.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: I will show the students a time line to guide them to the meaning of Present Perfect. When did the situation start in the past or now in the present? In the past Is the situation still happening in the present? Yes Will it continue on into the future? Probably To explain for and since I will show them a visual ------- for is a period of time where since ---@----- is a point in time. So with since it is a very specific point in time. If I have been married since 2000. I have been married for how may years? Form: Subject + Auxiliary have/has (not/never) + past participle (main verb) I will use the TL sentences in order to show them each part. Then I will have them use Meg as the subject in order to highlight the has with the third person. I will show them how to form a question by making have/has first and then the subject. As well as showing them how to form the negative. Have you lived in a motor home? No, I haven't lived in a motorhome. I also have examples on how to form the contractions of each subject. Pronunciation: We've been MARRied for TWELVE years. We've LIVE di Nour MOtorhome SINce two THOUsand and eight. /tu ˈθaʊzən ɪn deɪt/ I will first ask them what the contraction means we have. Then, I will elicit the stress and show the connected speech. I will use IPA to show that thousand has a z sound and not an s as well as the d is not voiced. I will then show the connected speech. Next, I will model and drill both chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students be shown a gap fill for the CP where they have to fill in the correct words to form Present Perfect using since and for. I will model the first one with them so that they understand what they should be doing. Then I will give them the link to the google form and 5 minutes to do this activity. When they are finished I will put them in BOR to pair check while I monitor to make sure they understood the material. After that I will bring them back and do OCFB. 1. __A____ you finished your homework? A) Have B) Has C) Is 2. The children ___C__ ______ the lost puppy. A) have find B) is finding C) have found 3. Maria's been a vegetarian __B____ 3 years. A) since B) for C) after 4. I have lived in Peru since__B____. A)ten year. B) 2020 C) a long time 5. We ___A__ never eaten tamales. A) have B) has C) are 6. He has worked here ___A___ last December. A) since B) for C) after 7. They've ____C___ in Mexico since they were born. A) live B)lives C)lived

Free Practice (8-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will tell the students to imagine a friend they know. They should think of how they would answer these questions about that person. I will model for them quickly how I would answer these questions for my best friend Allison. Since she is a girl I will use the pronouns she and her. Next, I will have them take a screen shot of the slide so that they can have it in the BOR. I will give them a 2 minutes to think about their friend. Then I will put them in the BOR to work in pairs asking and answering the questions to each other. What will you be doing in the BOR? asking questions about the person's friend What will your partner be doing? Answering questions What do you do when you are finished? Switch roles What is your friend’s name? How long have you known him/her? Where did you meet him/her? Where does he/she live? How long has he/she lived there? Where does he/she work or study? How long has he worked or studied there? When did you last see him? I will monitor in the BOR and quickly go from room to room to make sure everyone is doing what they should and don't have any problems and questions. Next, I will collect useful language after 3 or 4 minutes I will broadcast a message to switch roles if they have not already. Then I will close the BOR and do FB by having one student share the person they were thinking about and a little about them. Next, I will do DEC by highlighting several sentences that have errors as well as some good sentences and have the students correct them.

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