Galina Galina

Elementary level


Text-based grammar lesson


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have had clarification on the meaning, form and pronunciation of the positive forms of regular and irregular verbs in Simple Past in the context of the life events, and practiced this in a controlled and freer practice

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of reading for specific information in the context of James Cameron’s life events
  • To provide fluency speaking practice of the positive forms of regular and irregular verbs in Simple Past in the context of life events


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'll use pictures and personalization for lead-in to engage Ss and to connect lead-in with the following stages of the lesson. Screen share G-Slide with the pictures and ask Ss: Do you know these movies? Who directed these movies? Elicit: Movies - Avatar, Titanic, Aliens, Terminator; Director - James Cameron. Screen share the next slide with the answers, ask Ss: Do you like these movies? Why? Why not? Which one is your favorite?

Exposure&Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation. To draw students' attention to the target language

Send Ss a G-Docs link with the task: 1. Read the article about James Cameron’s life 2. Fill in the gaps (b) - (g) with the dates and numbers on the left Provide demonstration of how to do the task: example is provided for (a) - August 16th. Give Ss 3 minutes to complete the task. ICQs: Do you need to read the text first? (yes) Do you need to fill in the gaps with the dates and numbers on the left? (yes) How much time do you have? (3 minutes) Play an audio: Listen and check your answers. Screen share the answers, OCFB. Answers: a) August 16th b) 1971 c) two d) 1986 e) twelve f) $2 billion g) 1999

Clarification (10-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning+Form: Send Ss a G-Form link, draw their attention to the verbs in blue and pink in the text: Answer the questions 1-6 about highlighted verbs in the text: Answers: 1) Verbs in blue and pink are used in Past tense (correct answer)/ Present tense/ Future Tense 2)Look at the Past Simple forms of the verbs in PINK. Match them to verbs 1-6 on the left Become - became Have - had Get - got Leave - left Go - went Meet - met 3) Match the verbs in blue and pink with A or B: Verbs in pink are irregular verbs; Verbs in blue are regular verbs 4) Look at the underlined verbs in Past Simple and match them with their meanings: 1. His family moved to the USA in 1971 2. James studied physics and English 3. He visited the Titanic twelve times 4. James met Linda Hamilton in 1984 Answers: Moved - go to a different place to live or work Studied - learn about a subject in a class Visited - go to a place to spend some time there Met - see and talk to someone for the first time 5) Match the underlined verbs with the correct form: Moved - Infinitive + ‘-d’ Studied - Infinitive changes ending '-y' to ‘i’ + ‘-ed’ Visited - Infinitive + '-ed' Met - Irregular verb in Past Simple 6) Do we change the form of the verbs in Past Simple with different subjects (I/ you/ he/ she/ we/ they)? No, we don't change it OCFB, screen share the answers. Pronunciation: Screen share G-Slide, ask Ss to listen to an audio and choose a correct stress pattern and the correct pronunciation of the regular past ending -ed : • MOVED (correct answer) • MO–ved Ending /d/ or /id/ ? (correct answer - /d/) • STU-di-ed • STUD-ied (correct answer) Ending /əd/ or /ɪd/ ? (correct answer /ɪd/) • VIS-it-ed (correct answer) • vis-it-ED Ending /d/ or /id/ ? (correct answer is /id/)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Send Ss a G-Form link with the task: Fill in the gaps with Past Simple form of these verbs: go, meet, visit, study, move, have We ___ math and biology in university (studied) Jim ___ this museum in London 5 times (visited) Anna ___ her husband 20 years ago (met) I ___ to bed very late last night and now I’m tired (went) When I was a kid, I ___ a dog and a cat (had) He ___ to another country in 1980 (moved) Ask Ss to complete the sentences individually and press submit (3 min) ICQs: How much time do you have? (3 min) o you need to write the answer? (yes) Do you need to write a verb in present or past simple? (Past Simple) Do you need to press submit? (yes) After Ss have submitted their answers, send them in BOR's for 2 min to check their answers with the partners. ICQ: How much time do you have to check your answers? (2 min) Conduct OCFB, screen share the answers with G-Slides

Free Practice&DEC (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Send Ss a G-Slide link with a speaking task: 1. Write 3 things that happened to you in the past: 2 true facts and 1 false fact; use these and other ideas: - Visit a new place - Move to a another city or country - Meet your best friend/ wife or husband - Study at school or university Provide demonstration and draw their attention to 3 sentences about me on the slide. Ask Ss: "Which one is false?" Let them guess, and then say: "Now write 3 sentences about yourself, you have 1 minute to prepare." ICQs: How much time do you have? (1 min) How many facts about yourself do you need to write? (3) How many sentences should be true? (2) How many should be false? (1) Do you use present simple or past simple tense to write the sentences? (past simple) After Ss have finished preparing their sentences, ask them to share their sentences with their partner in BORs, guess a false fact about their partner and try to remember an interesting fact about their partners: - Tell your partner 3 facts about you - Guess which fact about your partner is false Send them to BORs for 5 minutes in pairs or small groups. Monitor Ss while they're speaking, be ready to help, and take notes of good language and errors. Conduct OCFB, ask Ss what they remembered about their partners. Conduct DEC, display good examples from the speaking practice and conduct error correction.

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