Marianna Fina Marianna Fina

Slow food lesson
Pre-intermediate level


This is a productive skills lesson with a focus on fluency. Students will be exposed to a listening text to prepare to speak and see/hear the language they need to use in the speaking tasks.


Abc Straightforward Pre-Intermediate Student's Book, Kerr, P. 2006, MacMillan. Page 58

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency practice of speaking for giving opinions in the context of slow food.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed listening practice using a text about Food in Italy


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will set the lesson context by showing the SS a picture with lots of food and asking the SS "What is your favourite type of food?" T gives example by saying "My favourite type of food is Chinese Food" SS discuss the questions in Open Class Forum.

Useful Language #1 (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T preteaches blocking vocabulary from Listening Text 1.50, using ECDW stages. Words to preteach are: #1 Meal CCQs: Can you have it at home? (Yes) Can you have it in a restaurant? (Yes) Can you drink it? (Yes) #2 Recipe Can it be written? (Yes) Is it a set of instructions? (Yes) Can you find it on the internet? (Yes) #3 Flavour Can we use this word to describe food and drinks? (Yes) Are flavour and taste synonyms? (Yes) #4 Healthy Can we use it to describe a diet? (Yes) Can we use it to describe a lifestyle? (Yes)

Preparing to Speak 1 (10-16 minutes) • To provide a stimulus to learners with a model of the task before they speak, through listening

T tells SS they are going to Listen to an Audio, and they need to choose the best title. T asks SS to write in the chatbox the correct answer (1,2,3 or 4) T tells SS they will read the passage ex.2 page 58, listen to the audio again and find the incorrect information, and explain why it is wrong, taking short notes. T asks SS ICQs: what are we doing in this exercise? Are you taking long or short notes? Peer checking follows in BO rooms. Whole class Feedback follows.

Useful Language #2 (3-5 minutes) • To provide SS with Useful Language for Giving Opinions

T elicits Functional Language for giving opinions by showing the SS an uncompleted dialogue: "What do you think about (slow food)?" T asks SS to write in the chatbox possible answers, then show a Useful Language Box with the sentences "I think (...) because..." "In my opinion (...) because..." "I believe that..." "I think that..."

Productive Task (10-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T shows SS the questions "Do you agree with Maura that good food is slow food?" "What traditional foods are there in your country? What parts of they country do they come from?" T tells SS to ask each other the previous questions in BO rooms. Wholeclass Feedback follows.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T writes a few correct and incorrect sentences heard during observation in BO rooms and asks SS to correct them.

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