Juan Peredo Juan Peredo


Abc Controlled
Abc Freer
Abc Gist
Abc Lead-In
Abc Speaking

Main Aims

  • Main aim: To introduce and provide practice of functional language for talking about health problems Subaim: Speaking. Ss will be able to mention their health problems and provide recomendations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for giving advice on health prob


Warmer/Lead-in (4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will show students slide #1. They will see a picture with people not feeling ok. T will ask Ss to mention what they do when they feel in that way. JUST GENERAL IDEAS. T will write some of the examples on the board. T can ask Ss to mention some pains and aches words they know. Give Ss an extra link to check more on this topic after the class.

Exposure (6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will show slide #2. They will see two pictures both showing two people. Ask them to guess who's sick. Tell Ss they will listen to two conversations. Ss will complete a G-form activity selecting who said each phrase. Select R for Rachel and T for Tim. Activity Are you ok? R - Example What's the matter? T. What's wrong? R Why don't you go home? T. You shouldn't go to work today. R. You should go to the doctor. R. Get well soon. T. I hope you get better soon. R. *I am not so sure about this activity since I do not know how good they are with technology.* But I will take the risk. Conduct OCFB. Show Ss the answers.

Highlighting (2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will show slide #3. On this slide, Ss will see 4 sentences extracted from the previous activity. Ask Ss to recall who said each phrase without looking at their notes. Phrases 1. Are you ok? 2. You shouldn't go to work today. 3. You should go to the doctor. 4. I hope you get better soon.

Clarification (10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning 3 minutes Show slide #4. They will see the previous sentences along with a couple of questions. CCQs Set 1. If we ask these questions, do we want to know more? Yes, we do. Set 2. If we ask these questions, are we giving a suggestion or an order? A suggestion. Set 3. If we say this, are we worried about the person? Yes, we are. Form 3 minutes Show incomplete sentences to Ss. Ask them to complete the sentences with the correct options. 1. Are you ________? 2. You shouldn't ________. 3. You should _______. By doing this, Ss will notice how these phrases are formed. Pronunciation 3 minutes Pre-teach the word sympathetic. - It's feeling worried about how other people feel. Ask Ss to listen to the following sentences twice and mention whether the first or the second is showing sympathy. Ask Ss to mention which word is being stressed. The last one. Sentences Are you ok? A Are you allright? B What's wrong? A Write the stressed word in capital letters. Appropriacy Can we use the expressions in a formal, neutral or casual context? Any of them. The conversation is in a formal and casual context.

Controlled Practice (5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Send Ss a link to wordwall. Ask Ss to complete the activity by putting the words in order. Same phrases as in highlighting. Conduct OCFB

Free Practice (15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Free practice 8 minutes Share a jamboard link to Ss. Tell them they have 2 minutes to write health problems / body problems they remember. Check the answers very fast, less than 20 secs. Now, tell Ss they will role-play a conversation. One is feeling not ok, and the other one is asking question about that. Give Ss a sample conversation for them to get ideas. BORs 5 minutes Coduct OCFB 2min Conduct DEC 5min

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