Raquel Ruiz Barba Raquel Ruiz Barba

TP 7 LP Raquel Ruiz Barba
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn about Gerunds and Infinitives. The lesson starts with an image and a text about a friend who likes hamburgers. This is followed by a gist task in group analysing the text in group. MFP clarification is also an interactive activity in a power point file. Control Practice through a g forms task of drop down list. Feer practice consists of a quotations activity to find the gerunds and infinitives and what kind are they.


Abc Break Out Rooms ZOOM
Abc Coursebook: New Cutting Edge, Upper Intermediate, Sarah Cunningham & Peter Moor
Abc Google Tools
Abc Zoom platform
Abc Google Forms
Abc Google Sites
Abc Google slides
Abc Power Point
Abc Activities for Teaching Gerunds & Infinitives / Matthew Barton / Creator of Englishcurrent.com

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of gerunds and infinitives, to provide learners with a wider comprehension and use of proper and natural speech

Subsidiary Aims

  • In this lesson an aim is to make it more student centered; to have learners practice speaking skills in all the activities.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher displays a text, students will read observe the use of gerunds and infinitives, which are marked, in most of the sentences.

Gist task Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Teacher instructs the ss to analyze the text and recognize the marked language, and to find similarities in it. Teacher elicits answers from students by nominating them one by one, this alows T to observe level of speech and participation of students.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T displays a slides document. Meaning and Form are explained in parallel in order to help students realize the difference between each form. The function as noun and classification of cases for gerunds and for infinitives are also described, and exemplified. T elicits from Ss as much information as they provide from observing and understanding the presentation. Finally, pronunciation is approached by displaying slides with graphic information indicating stress, intonation, syllable count and phonetic alphabet for a chosen sentence. Modelling and drilling is carried out.

Control Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T displays and shares a task in google forms. Ss have to choose, either a gerund or an infinitive, the language item that corresponds to the sentence (drop down lists). To be answered individually and check answers in pairs in break out rooms. T monitors breakout rooms and then conducts FB in main room.

Free Practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T displays and shares google sites task, with quotations from personalities where TL is used. Ss have to find and classify gerunds and infinitives.in pairs in breakout rooms. T monitors in all the break out rooms.

FB & DEC (3-4 minutes) • To have feed back on the tasks and delayed errors correction

In main room all the group checks the answers to the control task, and T refers to errors or mistakes picked up while monitoring.

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