Violette Liu Violette Liu

TP 8
Pre intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn to practice and revise present continuous for future arrangements in the context of holiday plans.


Main Aims

  • Students will be able to practice and revise present continuous for future arrangements in the context of holiday plans.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be able to practice vocabulary related to holiday plans.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will link students to Jamboard. I will say, "Can I have a volunteer to read the question for us?" (What did you do on New Year's Day?") I will say, "You will discuss with partners what you did for New Year's, and we will do some sharing after we come back." I will ask, "How many minutes are we discussing?" (1m) Students discuss in BORs. When we regroup, I will ask "What did we find out? Did anybody do the exact same thing as their partners?"

Gist/Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will share the Gist Google Form in chatbox and screenshare. I will ask, "Can a volunteer read the question on our Gist task?" (Giacomo, Nicola and Nestor are talking about:) I will say, "Great. I'm going to screenshare our text. You will take one minute to read. After you're done reading, you may answer and submit your form." I will ICQ, "Are we answering the form before or after we read the text?" (After.) After students submit their gist task, I will do OCFB.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will say, "I will screenshare our vocabulary for the lesson. Can you see it?" I will say, "You can see we have three vocab words on this screen. Which word is the first picture describing?" (celebrate) I will say, "Can a volunteer read the marker sentence?" I will say, "Is celebrate positive or negative?" (positive) I will say, "What part of speech is it?" (verb) I will say, "What word does the second image describe?" (rent) I will say, "Can a volunteer read the marker sentence?" I will say, "When you rent something, do you own it forever?" (no) I will say, "What part of speech is it?" (verb) I will say, "What part of speech is relative?" (noun) I will say, "Can a volunteer read the marker sentence?" I will say, "Is your friend a relative?" (no) I will say, "How many syllables are in relative?" I will involve students in choral drilling of the words celebrate, rent, and relative. ---------------------------------------- Slide 2 I will say, "You already know a bit about present continuous. Now let's see how we can use it to talk about future arrangements." I will say, "When we discuss the future, we talk about things that we are going to do. BUT we also talk about things that we are NOT going to do, and we also ask questions about it. I will say, "In an affirmative answer, are we stating what we will do?" (yes) I will say, "Good. When we use "am", who is the subject? (I) I will say, "Great. Can someone read the example for an affirmative answer?" I will say, "Is Nicola having a party on Christmas?" (No.) I will say, "Good. This is an example of a negative answer. When another person, such as Nicola is the subject, do I use 'am' or 'is'?" (Is) I will say, "Great. Can someone read the example for a negative answer?" I will say, "When we ask a question, do we start with the subject?" (No. Am/is/are.) I will say, "When we talk about more than one person, do we use 'is' or 'are'?" (Are) I will say, "Great. Can someone read the example for question?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will say, "Great, now we are going to do an exercise to practice our vocab words and using the present continuous. I will share the link, and you will work on it with your partners for 5 minutes." I will ICQ, "Are we working with our partners?" (yes) "How many minutes do we have?" (5m)

Controlled Practice (11-13 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will say, "Now I will share our controlled practice. Do you see the form?" I will say, "Great. Can I have a volunteer read the instructions?" I will say, "The first question has been done for you. Can I have someone read it out loud?" I will say, "Good. You will take 5 minutes to write your responses on the Google Form, then we will share our answers with our partners in BORs for 5 minutes." ICQ, "How many minutes do we have to write?" (5m)

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will say, "I will screenshare the freer practice with everyone now." I will say, "Can I have a volunteer read the instructions for our activity? And the questions you will be asking each other?" I will say, "You have 6 minutes to discuss in BORs." "Any questions before we begin?" I will monitor discussions in BORs. In OCFB, I will go over good language and gaps.

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