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Clarification and practice on how to issue complaints and make requests
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice issuing complaints and making requests.


Abc SB
Abc Teacher Guide

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for making complaints and requests.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about making complaints and request in the context of staying at a hotel


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show the students a picture of some guests staying at a hotel. I will ask them where they think these people are. ( a hotel) I will ask what they think is happening and what the people are doing. Who are they? Guests. I will make sure they know what a receptionist is. Someone who answers phones and helps customers.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will say these guests have complaints. I will tell the students that they will listen to them talking about problems they have while staying at the hotel. I will instruct them to listen out for some different problems each of the guests are having. What information are you listening for? Problems the guests are having. Guest 1: The remote control doesn't work. He needs more towels Guest 2: Too noisy Guest 3: The shower isn't hot enough

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will show the students the 6 sentences. I’m sorry, but I’ve got a bit of a problem. What is this person doing? Complaining I wonder if I could have some more towels, please. What is this person doing? Requesting I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. Could I speak to the manager, please. Could you help me? Would you mind sending someone to look at it please?

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

For meaning I will show the students a slide and have them decide if the sentences are complaints or requests. I will allow them to do this in groups. Then we will do OCFB. I’m sorry, but I’ve got a bit of a problem. C I wonder if I could have some more towels, please. R I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. C Could I speak to the manager, please. R Could you help me? R Would you mind sending someone to look at it please? R Am I apologizing? No What am I doing? Complaining Am I afraid? No what am I doing? Complaining in a polite way Then ,I will have the students look at the underlined verbs. I will ask them what type of verb follows the TL. I wonder if I could + infinitive Could you + infinitive Would you mind + verb+ing I’m sorry, but I’ve got a bit of a problem. I wonder if I could have some more towels, please. I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. Could I speak to the manager, please. Could you help me? Would you mind sending someone to look at it please? Next, I will show them the TL. I will ask them is they know what the contraction I'm is? I am I will then elicit the stress. I will point out the rise in intonation and tell them this is very important because if they use a flat tone it sounds rude. Then, I will show them the connected speech. I’m sorry, but (I am) /aɪm ˈsɑri bʌt/ I wonder if I could /aɪ ˈwʌndər ɪ faɪ kʊd/ I’m afraid ( I am) /aɪ məˈfreɪd/ Could I /kə daɪ/ Would you mind /wəd jʊ maɪnd/

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will give the students a google form where they will fill the blanks on a script about complaints and requests. Then I will have them go into BOR and check their answers together and practice the script. After that I will have the come back for OCFB where we go over the answers together. Guest: Excuse me, 1) could you help me? 2) I’m afraid I’ve got a complaint. Receptionist: Yes, of course. What’s the problem? Guest: 3) I’m sorry, but I think there is something wrong with the light in the bathroom. 4)Would you mind sending someone to look at it, please? Receptionist: Yes, of course I’ll send someone up 5) straight away. Guest: Also, 6) I wonder if I could have some more shampoo? Receptionist: Of course, here you go. Have a nice day.

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Now the students will do a role play where they will pretend to be a customer at a hotel and the other person will be a receptionist or a waiter. What is a Server? Someone who brings your food. Student 1: You are eating dinner in the hotel, but the food is cold. Student 2: You are the server. Student 1: You have been waiting for an hour for your food to arrive. When it does, it is not what you asked for. Student 2: You are the server Student 1: You are staying at the hotel, but it is dirty. The trash needs to be taken out and you need clean towels. Student 2: You are the receptionist. I will give the 2 minutes to be able to write down a few ideas. I will tell them that the will practice both roles. What will you be doing? Complaining After you have complained what will you do? Switch roles I will put them in BOR where they will practice both roles. I will monitor at this time collecting sentences to give FB on some that are good and others that need correcting. OCFB: When the students come back I will ask who was the best actor and allow them to share their complaint. D.E.C. I will put the sentences I heard on the board and have students correct them.

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