Marcelo Felipe Marcelo Felipe

TP4 LP_Marcelo Lucano - Intermediate
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, students will learn the use of future with different grammar structures to make predictions based on their own opinions, something they can see and possible though not certain.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of Future in the context of Technology

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice and review of Future in the context of Predictions


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • Ask your learners to talk about the topic in pairs.

T. shows on screen a Google slide document, in it, there will be three slides, the two first will show pictures of cities in the future, one for a positive future and the other one for a negative or apocalyptical and in the last one both previous pictures will be gathered. For each slide teacher will ask the following questions: What do you see in this picture? (First Slide) What do you see in this one? (Secon Slide) Can we expect a positive or a negative future in the years to come? Students will discuss these questions in pairs. The teacher sends the link to these Slides through Zoom chat Then they are sent to breakout rooms Teacher Monitors briefly. Then. once in the main session, Students say their answers in front of the class (Teacher's nomination)

Presentation throught the text (2-5 minutes) • Give learners a Gist task for the text. They compare answers in pairs, then OCFB. Design an intensive reading to obtain your samples of the language.

T. shows on screen a Google document with two exercises in it. T. lets Students know that they are about to do a quick reading activity then T. explains what they are supposed to do 1. Choose the pictures that are related to the text? There will be four pictures, all of them about predictions for the future, Students need to choose the ones that reflect the information they find in the text. 2. Think of an appropriate title for the text After finishing reading the text, they need to come up with a title for this text. They will read and do these activities first for around 2 minutes Then they are sent into breakout rooms so they can compare their answers with their partners Once in the main session, T. will nominate some students to share their answers with the class.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • Cover Meaning, Form, and pronunciation.

Meaning: T. shows another Google slide document where Students will see four statements based on the topic they have been doing so far (Future and predictions). These are the four statements: 1. We will have flying cars. 2. Climate change is going to become worse. 3. People may have robots at home. 4. Future medicine is likely to save billions of lives. The aim of this stage is to ensure students' understanding of these grammar structures. In order to do this, the Teacher will ask the following questions: 1. Is sentence number one a future plan, prediction or future event? It is a prediction because we can not assure this will actually happen. (Will) 2. Is the problem of climate change something we can see nowadays? Yes, it is, even though this is not as serious as it may be in the years to come. (going to -prediction based on clear evidence) 3. How possible is sentence number three? It expresses a possibility but this is not certain. (could and may for future possibility) 4. Does this sentence refer to present, future or past? it refers to an event that will take place in the future. (Likely for future probability) The purpose of each question is to corroborate whether students can infer the idea of what each future grammar structure gives. Form: T. shares on-screen a Google doc where they will see the four previous statements but this time the focus is on words' form There are some words below these four statements: Modal verbs Verbs in base form Verb to be infinitive + verb Adjective Each one of them will be highlighted in a different colour Students are told to identify each one of these forms in the four statements below. To do this, the teacher sends them first the link so they can have access to it and divide them into groups (Breakout rooms) so they can discuss and figure out together which are the correct answers. Afterwards, in the main session, the teacher will nominate some students to provide answers to this task, ( adjective, modal verb, verb, etc) teacher will highlight each different word in a different colour. These colours are the same which the words above were previously highlighted. By doing this, it will be easier for students to differentiate each word form used in context. Pronunciation: T. asks students to return to the previous Google slide where they saw the four statements (Teacher facilitates the link one more timer if necessary) then teacher draws students' attention to the second slide in which they will find the same four statements but there will be IPAs below each so Students may be familiarized with their phonetic pronunciation. T. will also make students be aware of the stressing syllables so they may have proper drilling afterwards. 1. We will have flying cars. wi wɪl həv ˈflaɪɪŋ kɑːz. 2. Climate change is going to become worse. ˈklaɪmɪt ʧeɪnʤ ɪz ˈgəʊɪŋ tə bɪˈkʌm wɜːs. 3. People may have robots at home. ˈpiːpl meɪ həv ˈrəʊbɒts ət həʊm. 4. Future medicine is likely to save billions of lives. ˈfjuːʧə ˈmɛdsɪn z ˈlaɪkli tə seɪv ˈbɪljənz əv lɪvz. Now T. models the way how they will be pronounced by pointing out word by word and changing his voice according to the intonation each word has. Then, T. asks students to do choral repetition alongside him. (Everbody together)

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • Provide controlled practice of the language. The learners do this individually and then check in pairs. OCFB

Now the teacher explains to them what the next stage will be about: They are going to formulate sentences based on the words they already have. These are already in order, all they need to do is to use each word properly and include the grammar features they learn in the previous stages. Example: 2. People / live / until they / 100 years old. Answer: People will live until they are 100 years ago. Students will be given 2 minutes to do this first individually Then they are sent into breakout rooms so they can compare answers with their partners.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • Create a communicative task for learners to use the language fluently. Conduct Feedback and DEC.

The teacher lets students know they are about to do the last stage of this lesson. For this, the Teacher shares the screen, they can see another Google Slide document where they will find the instructions for the last task. They need to predict the future based on the fields they have below inside a box. Communication technology food Work habits Cities the environment They will have 3 minutes to do this in breakout rooms (GD task) Teacher Monitor while students do so. Once in the main session, the Teacher nominates some students to share their predictions. Afterwards, OCFB is carried out, addressing students' errors during their talking time.

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