Susan Susan

TP5 - Speaking - Susan Davis
Elementary level


Main Aims

  • To provide speaking practice for fluency in the context of daily routines.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to learn and review vocabulary used in the context of daily routines.


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Welcome students, ask the how they are doing and send them the Google Slides link. Show them the images on the first slide and ask them to write down in the chat all the words that come to their mind when they see those images. T asks students: "What do you think today's lesson is about". Students give their answers verbally.

Content Preparation (6-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T will show students the two pictures on the slide and put on the audio for the listening (twice). ICQ. will you listen to the audio or read the text? listen to the audio. Then, T will ask them to identify in which picture is the person who spoke. Looking at the written text which will be on the slide, T will highlight the phrases that will be useful for their speaking activity later in the lesson.

Language Preparation (6-6 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T will introduce some phrases which are used in this context trying first to elicit students to participate if they already know something. All phrases will be relevant for their speaking activity. CCQ. If it's 10am, what moment of the day is it? the morning CCQ. How many syllables does Tuesday have? two A short listening audio will be used for students to hear the pronunciation of the days of the week. T will give students two short exercises to practice some of the phrases. The first one is a matching exercise and the second one a "put in the correct order" one. T will call on different students so they can all participate. All activities in this stage will be done with the whole class together mainly to save time for the speaking stage where they'll be most of the time in groups practicing what they learned/reviewed.

Speaking (20-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T will show students a table with the main phrases so they can have them in hand during the speaking activity. T will tell them to write down some questions for them to ask another student. They have 2 minutes. ICQ. How many minutes to you have for this part? 2 minutes T will then group students in BORs so they can take turns asking questions and replying. Question examples: *Do you usually visit friends at the weekend? Sometimes I do. *When do you clean the house? In the mornings. *Do you like dancing? Yes I love dancing. *What time do you get up? At 8am. *What do you usually do on Saturday? I go for a long walk. T will tell students they have 5 minutes to work with one group and then they will be sent to another group. ICQ. How many minutes do you have with each group? 5 minutes. ICQ. Will you be the only one speaking in your group or take turns? take turns T will enter each BOR to monitor and see that everything is ok. Once time is up, T will shuffle students and group them in BORs once again. If time permits it, once time is up this second time, T will shuffle them again and group them once more in BORs.

Content and Language Feedback (6-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will give her feedback (positive and for improvement) and write it in a table showed in a slide. T will ask students to give their feedback (positive and for improvement) and to write it in the chat. ICQ. Where should you write down your feedback (any comment you have)? in the chat T will write it in a table which will be showed in the slide. If they wish to say something verbally and time allows it, they will also have the opportunity to do so.

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