Cynthia Reed Cynthia Reed

TP6 Functional Language
Pre Intermediate level


Students will practice functional language in the context of achievements, ambitions, and dreams.


Abc Text
Abc New Cutting Edge Pre Intermediate

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for discussing ambitions, dreams, and achievements in the context of their lives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about dreams, ambitions, and achievements.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Show jamboard 2. Ask, What do you want to do or what have you done that makes you feel proud/good? 3. Give examples with pictures 4. In BOR, discuss one or two things you want to do or have done that makes you feel proud/good. 5. You have 2 minutes. ICQs. 1. What are you going to discuss? (dream, achievement or ambition) 2. How long do you have in BOR? (2 min) 3. Accept the invitation T conducts OCFB for 1-3 students as time permits/take poll

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shares jamboard. -Instructions: In BOR, read the text then match the picture to which person dreams, ambitions, achievement. Then compare your answers with your partner/group. You will have 5 minutes. -T demo task ICQs: - Are you going to read every word or get the main idea? (main idea) -What are you going to do after reading the text? (match the person with the picture) -will you leave BOR or discuss with your group? (discuss with group) -how long do you have in BOR? (5 min) Accept the invitation T will check BOR and answer any questions T will conduct OCFB by polling

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning 1. Achievement: something you did that you are proud of ● Function: To tell of something you did that you are proud of ● Example: His greatest achievement was the abolition of the death penalty. ● Sentence frame: _______________ achievement was ____________________. 2. Ambition: Something you want to do some day Ambition: /æmˈbɪʃ.ən/ ● Function: Something you want to do ● Example: His greatest ambition is to sail round the globe. ● Sentence frame: _______________ ambition is __________________ 3. Dream: Something you want to do someday but probably will not, a wish Dream: /driːm/ ● Function: Something you want to do someday but probably will not ● Example: His dream is to sail around the world. ● Sentence frame: ____________ dream is ________________ Pronunciation 1. Choral drilling a. Repeat after me: all four sentences b. Single and double drilling 2. Stress: a. I’ve always wanted to own a car. i. Where is the stress? (wanted) ii. Voice goes up or down at the end of a sentence? (down) iii. What if I said always ALWAYS wanted to own a car. Where is the stress? (2nd always-repeating the word adds emphasis to the verb-makes it stronger) b. My greatest achievement was scoring three goals in the football game. i. Where is the pause(s)? ( after achievement, goals, ) ii. Does my voice go up or down at the end of the sentence? (down) iii. How would you make this a question? (Was your greatest achievement. . .?) iv. Drill: Was your greatest achievement scoring three goals in a football game? 1. ● Drill: Was your greatest achievement scoring three goals in a football game? o Voice goes up or down at the end of the question? (up) o Were is the stress? (adjectives) o If I said, “Was your GREATEST achievement scoring three goals in a football game?” change the meaning? (not really-sometimes intonation is what you want to stress). o How would I say it such that I really did not mean it? ▪ Flat, sarcastic tonw ▪ Negative body language

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

-T asks If I said "the bus didn't arrive so", a possible response would be "I was late for work". If I said, "It's a beautiful morning" what is a possible response? (say out loud or place in chat)"____________" illiciate answers (lets go for a walk) -T shares link to Google Form Matching (confirm all students have the link and opened the form) Instructions -There are five phrases on the left in row A (on the side) and a possible responses in column B (at the top). Select the best match for each phrase and compare your answers with your partner or group. -T demos with google form -Only one answer per row -you have 5 minutes in the BOR. Dont worry if you dont finish. ICQs -You going to match the phrases on the left with the one on the ____? (top) -Can you choose more than one answer per row? (no) -how many phrases do you have? (5) -how long do you have in BOR? (5 min) Accept the invitation.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T (put link in chat to achievement google form) Make a list of four or five ambitions, dreams, or achievements that you have in your life and discuss your list with your partner or group for 5 minutes. -Try to practice with the phrases we used tonight. -A list of topics and the phrases are on the jamboard for reference. ICQs -What are you going to discuss? (achievements, dreams and ambitions of your life) -Are you going to turn in your list or discuss your list with your partners? (discuss with partners) How long do you have (5 minutes) Accpet the invitation to the BOR. Check in on the groups and gather phrases for -Conduct DEC Choose 2-3 from group (what did you share_____) Write examples of production for OCFB

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