José Luis José Luis

Grammar Lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about grammar related to must, have to, and should, through images and CCQ's based on a reading about millionaires. The lessons starts with some warm-up questions over people. This is followed by a reading gist where students can see many sentences using the focused language. After that, it will be an dynamic analysis through CCQ and FCQ'S. Then, students will do some practice control. Finally, they will be practicing the grammar in a free practice speaking about success and other relevant topics.


Main Aims

  • To provide in the context of Millionaires and Work

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Success, Climate Change, Work or Fashion Industry.


LEAD-N (4 minutes) • To wake up their interest or warm up their knowledge about it.

I present images and I ask them what is the best options to give a command or give suggestions. T will welcome the Ss and contextualised the topic by presenting the topic about obligations, necessities, and suggestions. T will present three images and Ss will give their opinion about what is the best options to answer the questions of each image, they will have to choose among should, must, and have to, to respond the question in each context (a regulatory sign, a boy playing too late videogames and a fat-man eating junk food). This will be like a warming up activity.

GIST-TEXT READING (8 minutes) • Contextualised the topic and language focus.

T will pass the link to students to present the reading about: Do you want to be a millionaire? The Ss will get the general idea of the text. They will have to read the text about the world of billionaires. First, they will do it individually, then they will have to answer three general questions from the reading, afterwards they will have to compare their answers in pairs so they will give support to their answers (6 minutes). After, T will check their responses in plenary.

GRAMMAR USAGE (8-0 minutes) • To review and check student's understanding of the language focus.

After finishing the activity, the T will analyse the basic structure of: must, have to and should. T will use FCQ’s, so students would participate actively in the analysis. What comes after the subject, modal verb, verb, etc. T will explain their functions by using CCQ’s. Does it express a necessity or obligation?, Does this image represent necessity or obligation?, Must you use a diesel car or should you use other type of transport? For have to: Does it express a necessity or obligation?, Does this image represent necessity or obligation?, If a command comes from your boss, institutions, or laws, would you use must or have to?, If the order comes from somebody, would you use must to express the obligation? For should: Is he doing something which deserves a very strong obligation?, What could be the best way to encourage somebody to chance a behaviour, using have to or should?, Do you really have to do so, or do you have other options?, Do you really need to do so? Ss will participate to build up the grammar knowledge about must, have to and should. Ss may give some examples if time allows it.

PRACTICE CONTROL (12 minutes) • To provide practice for the language focus.

T will give them the link to google sites. T will give instructions to do the practice activity. Ss will match the sentences to their meanings; they will decide if the sentences refer either to an obligation, necessity, or suggestion. First, they will do so individually, then they will check their responses in pairs. (4 minutes) Having finished the minutes T will check Ss answers.

FREE PRACTICE (8 minutes) • To practice freely the language focus.

After the practice control, it will be the chance for students to practice the grammar explained in pairs. For this activity, Ss will have to speak about the follow sentences: 1. nurses / be patient and care about other people (should) 2. businessmen often / travel a lot (have) 3. teachers/ enjoy working with children (must) 4. teachers/ work in the school during the holidays (have) They should use the positive or negative form. After saying the sentences, they will have to speak about one of the follow topics: success, work, climate change, fashion industry, they should use must, have to and should. For this activity they’ll have 6 or 7 minutes.

FEEDBACK (5 minutes) • Feedback on the follow-up task and error correction

Having finished the previous activity, T will conduct the feedback on the task. T will do the DEC by highlighting positive speaking and spurring the necessary changes to avoid errors.

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