Parinaz VK Parinaz VK

TP 3
Elementary level


In this lesson, students are introduced to possessive form of nouns using apostrophe s by testing their prior knowledge in the context of family. The lesson starts with a picture about a cat. This is followed by a reading activity in which students focus on the possessive forms that they have been introduced to. Finally, there is some semi-controlled practice through speaking about their family members.


Abc possessions slide
Abc Circle-Correct-Form
Abc Reading handout
Abc Speaking questions

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have been introduced to possessive forms of nouns and will have practiced using them.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have had a chance to speak about their families using possessives


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To review the possessive adjectives and set the context for the new lesson

The teacher asks the students about their family members' names and in this way she reviews the previous lesson, possessive adjectives.

Teaching Grammar (10-12 minutes) • To teach possessive form of nouns using 's

1. The teacher uses a picture of a cat and writes two sentences on the board - a correct and an incorrect sentence. "Sandy is Parinaz's cat." and "Sandy is Parinaz cat.". 2. She asks the students to choose the correct sentence about the owner of the cat. The teacher asks Ss why they have chosen that answer. 3. The teacher uses a picture of a house and asks: "Do you think it is my house or my parents' house?". After eliciting the answers, she writes two sentences on the board: "It is my parent's house." and "It is my parents' house." and asks the students to choose the correct form. 4. The teacher drills the correct sentences. 5.She writes down the rules on the board.

Controlled Practice (12-14 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. The teacher uses a HO in which there are six sentences. The students should choose the correct possessive form of the noun in each sentence. This aim of this exercise is to help students to distinguish the correct form of possessives- 's or s'. The students compare their answers in pairs. Then, the teacher asks some Ss randomly to read out their answers so that the teacher will circle the correct answer on the board. 2. The teacher changes the grouping pattern before having the Ss do the next activity. 3. The teacher asks the students to read a text ( reading handout ) and answer 5 questions. The questions have all been designed to focus students' attention on the possessive forms of the nouns. The students compare their answers with their partners and some Ss are asked by the teacher to come to the board and write the answers.

Semi-Controlled Speaking Practice (10-12 minutes) • To give extra speaking chance with the target language

1.The teacher writes a set of questions about family on the board. 2.She puts the students in groups of three and gives them each a piece of paper. 3.The teacher has the students to ask each other the questions and write down the answers.

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