Yigit Seymen Yigit Seymen

Name:Yiğit Seymen 13.Aug 2014 TP3
Elementary A1 level


In this lesson,students will learn about past simple forms of verb to be and past ability could.Also Ss will be given the opportunity to do controlled and freer tasks in order to use what they learn.


Abc handout
Abc Tasks Handout
Abc celebrity photos

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson Ss will learn and practise past simple verb to be and could in the context of today and yesterday.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson Ss will also be able to improve their listening skills by using a text for today and tomorrow.Ss will be given the opportunity to do speaking activity in the freer practice stage.They will talk about where they were yesterday and what they could do when they were small kids.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To reflect the Ss' attention to the topic

Teacher hangs childhood photos of 5 celebrities on the board and asks Ss to guess who they are.Ss are in groups and they try to guess the celebrities.Then teacher elicit guesses from Ss and tells them the celebrities.

Guided Discovery/ Listening Activity (8-10 minutes) • To introduce the topic in a context

Teacher pre-teaches the time expression of yesterday, last year/month.Then plays the first exercise to elicit correct answers.Then Ss listen to the rest of the recording to answer the questions.Ss work in pairs and then teacher checksand goes through the questions by modelling and focusing on pronunciation.

Guided Discovery 2/ Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To give the students the opportunity to practise was/were in a controlled task.

Teacher asks students to complete the blanks and Ss work in pairs.Teacher goes through the answers with the whole class.

Cntrolled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To give the students the opportunity to practise was/were/ could in a controlled task.

Teacher asks Ss to complete the task individually.Then teacher asks the Ss to peer check. Finally teacher checks the task with class.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To give the students the opportunity to practise was/were in a free task

Teacher drills the first question in the task and elicits possible answers.Then the tecaher groups the Ss and encourage sthem to ask about times. Ss work in groups.Then the teacher lets the volunteers to act out their conversation.

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