Galina Galina

Upper Intermediate (B2) level


Text-based grammar lesson


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have understood the meaning, form and pronunciation of 'I wish/ I hope' and will be able to use it in a personalized speaking practice
  • To introduce and practice wishes and hopes in the context of a family conversation

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide personalized speaking fluency practice with 'I wish/ I hope'
  • To provide practice of listening for gist


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'll share a G-Slide and ask Ss to answer the following questions: - How often do you ask your parents or other relatives for a favor? - What do you usually ask them for? - Look at the photo of Briony and her father. What do you think they are talking about? Is she asking for something?

Exposure&Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation. To draw students' attention to the target language

Send Ss a G-Form link with 2 questions and ask them to look at the questions. Tell Ss they are going to listen to a conversation between Briony and her father. While they listen to it they need to choose correct answers for 2 questions (options A or B) and submit the form. Ask Ss write their answers in a chat box after they've submitted it. Tell Ss not to worry about understanding every single word, but focus on the main questions. ICQs: Do you need to translate words you don't understand? (no) Do you need to submit your answers in G-Form? (yes) Do you share the answers in a chat box? (yes). Questions&Answers: 1. What does Briony want? (Answer: She wants to borrow money) 2. Does she get exactly what she wants? (Answer: No, she doesn't) Students exchange answers in a chat box before OCFB. Ask Ss some follow up questions: How much did she want? 250 pounds. How much did she get? 150 pounds. Send Ss another G-Form link with TL sentences. Ask them to read the sentences first. They're going to listen to the conversation again, and while they listen it, they need to choose a correct answer and submit G-Form. FCQs: do you need to submit your answers? (yes) Do you need to listen carefully for these sentences in the conversation? (yes) Questions: 1. I wish you ___ talking about that accident (would stop/ stopped) 2. I just wish we ___ a recording contract (could get/ would get) 3. I wish you ___ to the gig on Saturday (came/ were coming) 4. I wish I ___ where she was (knew/ will know) 5. I hope she ___ home soon (comes/ came) Answers: 1. I wish you would stop talking about that accident 2. I just wish we could get a recording contract 3. I wish you were coming to the gig on Saturday 4. I wish I knew where she was 5. I hope she comes home soon OCFB: Screen share Ss answers on G-Form. Then send Ss a link to an audio script, ask them to check their answers (underline the TL sentences). Have an audio script on the screen in case they can't open the link.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarify MFPA for 'I wish...' and 'I hope...' MF for 'I wish': Send Ss a G-Form link with a task: Look at the sentences 1-4 and answer the questions 1) Do these sentences talk about: A: imaginary situations in the present or the future (correct answer) B: things that happened in the past 2) Which verb form follows 'I wish' in each sentence? (multiple choice) Correct answers (sentences 1-4): 1 sentence: would +infinitive 2 sentence: could + infinitive 3 sentence: past continuous 4 sentence: past simple MF for 'I hope': 3) Look at sentence #5: "I hope she comes home soon". Does this sentence talk about: A: wishes about impossible things in the future B: wishes about possible things in the future (correct answer) 4) Match sentences A and B with their meanings A: I hope she comes home soon (answer: I think she might do this) B: I wish she'd (would) come home (answer: I don't think she'll do this) 4) Which verb form follows 'I hope' in sentence #5? A: I hope + subject + Present Simple (correct answer) B: I hope + subject + infinitive CCQs: Look at the sentence #1: “I wish you would stop talking about that accident”. What does Briony want her father to do? (stop talking about the accident) Does she think he will do it? (no, she doesn't) Is she annoyed? (yes, she is) CCQs: Look at sentence #5: "I hope she comes home soon". Does he want his wife to come home? (yes) Is it about future or the past? (future) Does it seem like a real possibility? (yes) Can we say 'I wish' instead? (no) Pronunciation: Send Ss a link to G-Form task. Ask Ss to listen to the following sentences and notice the sentence stress. Ask Ss to choose which pattern best represents the stress in the sentence, sentence A or B. Play an audio for TL sentences a few times for each sentence. Ask Ss to submit their answers. OCFB

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Send Ss a G-Form link and ask them to complete the sentences by choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets. Give Ss 2 minutes. ICQs: How much time do you have? (2 min) Do you need to submit your answers? (yes) Answers: 1. I hope you ___ (pay) me back soon 2. I wish we ___ (have) better weather 3. I wish I ___ (not have to) to work at the restaurant 4. I wish you ___ (stop) asking so many questions, it's so annoying! 5. I hope she ___ (keep) her promise Answers: 1. I hope you pay me back soon 2. I wish we had better weather 3. I wish I didn’t have to work at the restaurant 4. I wish you would stop asking so many questions, it's so annoying! 5. I hope she keeps her promise Share Ss answers on G-Form, introduce correct answers on G-Slide. OCFB

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Send Ss a G-Slide with questions for a discussion. Give Ss 1 minute to think about the answers. Discuss questions 1-3 with your partner.* Do you have anything in common? (*you have 1 minute to prepare your answers) 1) Tell us about something that annoys you. Why does it annoy you? I wish + (would) …* Use these or your own ideas: Other drivers People’s habits Family relations My work/ my boss, etc… (*I wish my sister would listen to me) 2) Tell us about something you wish was different. Give reasons. I wish + past simple…* Use these or your own ideas: Work or study Hobbies Lifestyle Weather Social issues (*I wish I spoke Italian) 3) Tell us about something you hope happens soon: I hope…* Use these or your own ideas: To travel somewhere To buy something To see someone To graduate/ complete work project, etc… (*I hope I see my cousins on Christmas)

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