Jens Jens

TP6 - Offers
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students learn how to make/accept/refuse offers.


Main Aims

  • To provide speaking fluency practice in the context of making/accepting/refusing offers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice with the modeling for TL
  • To provide reading/listening practice in the CP gap fill activity


Lead in (5 minutes) • to have students start thinking about the subject of offers

Provide a question for students to answer individually and then discuss 3 questions in breakout rooms either in pairs or in small groups

Text work (3 minutes) • Reading practice to provide a model of the TL being used

Provide a conversation using the TL and have students read individually. Highlighting offers made, accepted, and refused.

Clarification (7 minutes) • MFPA of TL

Provide students with MFPA of TL making/accepting/refusing offers

Controlled Practice (10 minutes) • to provide both reading and listening practice

Have students complete gap fill activity in pairs or small groups. Audio will be used to check answers followed by FB

Freer Practice/role play (15 minutes) • To provide speaking fluency practice using TL

Students will brainstorm tasks needed to prepare for a party. Tasks will be used for role play of student pairs. One student will be planning a birthday and the other student will offer to help complete the tasks. Offers can be accepted or refused. Students will either reverse roles or change partners. If time allows, they will repeat again

Feedback/DEC (5 minutes) • Delayed Error Correction

Give students feedback on good language and errors made during the lesson

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