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Copy of Grammar - Frequency adverbs
Elementary level


In this lesson students will learn about the 'frequency adverbs & phrases' in the context of doing housework and daily routines.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of frequency adverbs & phrases in the context of doing the housework and daily routines.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice using frequency adverbs and phrases during the practice activities in the context of housework and daily routines.


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic of the lesson

.Divide Ss into groups of 3 or 4 to play a quiz. .Show Ss the first slide (frequency adverb +images) .Show them an example:" I get up 7 o'clock every day" .Elicit answer:"Which one of these words we can use from the diagram instead of 'every day' Elicit answers: .Point to one of the picture and say " I make the bed every day."(This is the first question) .Point to another picture and say "Most days I do the shopping"(instead of most days which word?) .Again point to another picture and say "some days I wash the dishes" (instead of some days which word?) .Point and say: "On this day I take out the rubbish." (instead of on this day) And finally say " I don't do the dishes" After each questions Ss write their answer on a paper and pass it to me. Discuss each answer with the Ss after each W/C feedback

Exposure (4-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show Ss a slide with images, adverbs and days of the week written on it. Ask Ss to work in pairs and make sentences (about 2) using adverbs and the adverbial phrases that true for them. Give an example: "I go on holiday once a year", " I often visit my family" Ss work in pairs to make sentences. T: Monitor Nominate Ss for feedback

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Write "I always make the bed." ask CCQ's about meaning: Do I make the bed every day? is it my choice? Is it a routine? Write on the board "She is often on the phone?"again ask CCQ's: is she continuously on the phone? Does she talk on the phone all day long? Ask Ss some questions about form through these two sentences. Where is the adverb in the sentence? Can we use the phrases at the beginning and at the end? Model each word to be drilled as a single word and also drill some sentences. Show the stresses on the board for each frequency adverb.

Listening (4-4 minutes) • To give Ss practice in listening for specific information and expose Ss to the target language

Tell Students to read through the statements and think about (but not write) their responses. Play the recording. Students read and listen to the sentences then complete the answers using the words in brackets. Work in pairs. Monitor Nominate for feedback

Controlled Practice 1 (5-6 minutes) • To concept check further and provide more practice.

Ss add and adverb of frequency to each sentence so that the sentences are true for them. Give an example: I am late for English classes - I'm never late for English classes. Students then write 3 more similar sentences.Ss do pair work to compare their answers. Monitor. In feedback ask Ss to read out some sentences for the class. Ask the rest of the class if they really think it is true.

Controlled Practice 2 (4-5 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare student for freer practice

SS rewrite the sentences with one of the phrases from the box. SS work in pairs and compare their answers with a partner. Teacher Monitors Nominate for feedback.

Controlled Practice 3 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with controlled practice of the target language

Show Ss how to make "How often" questions using sentences sentences from exercise 2 and 3. Ask Ss to make questions. Check in pair. Monitor. W/C feedback.

Freer practice (11-12 minutes) • To give Ss Semi controlled practice and production of the target language and to allow for personalisation and speaking practice

Tell Ss to go around and ask each other questions. Before that; Give handout with list of statements. Say " you need to turn each statement into a question"and go around and ask the questions. Give example first. Take the first sentence and write it on the board: ."...always reads in the bath." Elicit possible answer - I rarely read in the bath and write the question and answer on the board. SS goes around the class asking each other the question about the activities on their worksheet. They must find a person whose reply matches the prompt on their questionnaire. They write that person's name in the name column on the work sheet. Teacher monitors and give guidance if necessary. When they have written a name against every activity on the work sheet Ss sit down. Ss compare their answers with a partner and give open class feedback.

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