Yael Yael


Abc TP 6 - Yael

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for making complaints and requests

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide written and speaking practice and clarification of language used to make complaints and requests in context.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Lead-in (2 minutes) - Students are asked " What do people complain about in hotels?" - Students are nominated and encouraged to share their responses TASK (2 minutes) - Students are asked to think what is happening in some images shared on the screen, and are asked to think of the best way to request or complain according to the images showed to them. POST-TASK (1 minute) - Students are nominated and encouraged to share their responses - Students are provided with delayed error correction (DEC) if necessary

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

SETTING THE STAGE (1 minute) - Students are asked to tell What is the job of the younger woman on the image? She is a receptionist. - Students are told they will listen to three guests making complaints to the receptionist on the recording and need to pay attention to know what problems do they have. TASK 1 (3 minutes) - Students are asked What problems do they have and what are the solutions given to them by the receptionist. - Students are nominated and encouraged to share their responses. - Students are provided with delayed error correction (DEC) if necessary.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

TASK 2 (3 minutes) - Students are asked to fill the gaps of some phrases that they heard on the audio. - Students are asked to share their answers by chat to some of their classmates. - Students are nominated and encouraged to share their responses in OC. - Students are provided with delayed error correction (DEC) if necessary.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Students are presented with some expressions from the previous task and are asked to pay attention to the form of the phrases to make a request or a complain or the Target Language (TL) on Google Presentation. - Students are presented with some expressions from the previous task and are asked to find the stress syllable on them on Google Presentation. - Students are given a pronunciation model and drilled for TL items that the teacher notices were challenging for the students. TASK (5 minutes): - Students are asked to read aloud and find the stress in the words of the phrases - Students are nominated and encouraged to share their responses - Students are monitored by the teacher - Students are asked "OK repeat after me, try to say it at the same time " - Students are provided with delayed error correction (DEC) if necessary

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

- Students are presented with the TL phrases from the previous task and are asked to read them on Google Presentation. - Students are told they will read a dialogue between the receptionist and a guest of a Dowtown Hotel and they will have to remember the TL to use it in context.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

SETTING THE STAGE (1 minute) - Students are asked to complete an controlled-practice task individually in Google forms. - Students are shown a demonstration . - Students need to fill the gaps of a dialogue to use TL in conext. - Students are sent the link of the task by chat. TASK (5 minutes) - Students are asked to solve task individually . - Students are asked to discuss their answers in breakout rooms - Students discuss their answers in breakout rooms (2 minutes) - Students return to the main room POST-TASK (2 minutes) - Students return to the main room for open-class feedback - Students are nominated and encouraged to share their responses - Students are provided with delayed error correction (DEC) if necessary

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

SETTING THE STAGE (2 minutes) - Students are asked to participate in a "role play". - Students are asked to share their ideas using the phrases learned during the lesson with their classmates using break out rooms. - Students are told they will be sent to breakout rooms and change from a partner every 2 minutes (twice if possible) so they can make a complaint and a request using the scenarios of the PDF. - Students are told they will ask their partner(s) their ideas. TASK (2 minutes) - Students open the PDF on the chat sent by teacher to have the TL and scenarios to participate in the role play. - Students are sent to breakout rooms to participate in a role play using TL in context. - Students are monitored by the teacher. POST-TASK (2 minutes) - Students return to the main room for open-class feedback - Students are nominated and encouraged to share their responses - Students are provided with delayed error correction (DEC) if necessary

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