Susan Susan

TP3 LP Susan Davis
Upper intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To enable students to better understand and use synonym formation in the context of a text about tipping customs.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to practice their fluency speaking skills by exchanging opinions.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

*T shares Google Slides in the screen. *T asks SS the following questions to introduce the topic and tells them to talk about them in pairs for 3 minutes. ICQ: Should you work on this alone? No ICQ: How many minutes do you have? 3 minutes. -Who do people usually give tips to in your country? hairdressers, waiters, taxi drivers -Are there any rules for tips in your country? not really -How much do people tip them? usually 10% -Why might people decide not to tip someone? they receive a bad service. *SS discuss answers to the questions in pairs.

Exposure & Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation. To draw students' attention to the target language.

*T shows SS Google Form and explains the task telling them they have 2 minutes to read the text and do the task individually. *T shows SS the text so they can start reading it. *After 2 minutes T checks how their doing and tells them it’s time for them to discuss their answers in pairs through private messages. Tells them they’ll have 1 minute to talk about their answers and then they’ll come back to the main room for an open discussion.

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: T introduces 8 words from the text ss just read and provides some example sentences within the context. T tries to elicit the meaning from the students. Example CCQs: *Find out: -Do we always know who to tip? No -Could we ask local people who to tip? Yes *Precise: -Should we always tip taxi drivers the same amount? No *Just: *What should I tell the taxi driver? To keep the change *Should I tell him something else? No Form: T asks ss what's the part of speech of each of those words, if they are formal or informal, place of each word in a sentence. T tries to elicit the answers from the ss. Example CCQs: *Find out: Does "find out" needs to be conjugated depending on the verb tense? Yes. *Compulsory: Can I use this word in an informal context like a text message? No (This one is appropriacy but I'm putting it here to simplify). Pronunciation: T goes word by word with ss, asking them the number of syllables, word stress, the phrase stress, linking words in a phrase, vowel pronunciation. T will try to minimize teacher talk so ss should be talking most of the time. SS practice drilling. Example CCQs: *Just tell: Do you pronounce these words as one or two words? As one. *Appropriate: Is "appropriate" stressed in the 1st syllable? No. In which syllable is it stressed? in the second one. (I will briefly explain what stress means in case they don't understand).

Controlled Practice (4-4 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T sends ss the link to the Google Forms and gives them the instructions and timing for them to complete the exercise. SS need to choose the correct synonyms for each underlined word. SS have 1-2 minutes to do so. ICQ. How much time do you have to do this task? 1-2 minutes. ICQ. Should you choose the correct synonyms for each word? Yes. SS do the task. T tells ss when time's up so they send their forms and discuss in pairs through private messages for 1 minute. SS discuss in pairs through messages. T asks them to say the answers and shows them the results from the Google Forms answers. One s at a time says an answer. T shows the results.

Free Practice (Speaking) (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T tells ss to think and discuss on the following questions for 1 minutes. *Which countries in the article have similar tipping habits to yours? *Do you think tipping is important? Why? *Have you had an interesting experience related to tipping either in your country or abroad? T tells ss to think for 1 minute individually on a story/anecdote they would like to share on this topic. T gives the instructions saying this activity will take place in BORs and they will have 4 minutes. Mention that If they haven’t had any experience related, to think about something that happened to a friend or family member, or if they could imagine something that could happen? ICQ. Should you work this activity alone? No ICQ. How much time do you have for this activity? 4 minutes. T sends ss to BORs in pairs for them to discuss for 4 more minutes. T brings ss to Main room for them to share their anecdotes. T gives feedback and DEC.

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