Abigail Mercado Abigail Mercado

Technology Debates - Lesson 2
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn useful language to debate. It will be in the context of technology (Q: Is technology making us smarter or dumber?). Students will be lead with personalized questions. Then be given an authentic text, about the relevant issues regarding the topic of technology. Teach relevant vocabulary. We will collectively speak about useful language in debates (how they can agree or disagree). Then we will debate on a series of topics regarding technology.


Abc Answer Keys Ready
Abc Blank Sheets for Writing Task
Abc Bluetooth Speaker
Abc C-Port - HDMI cord
Abc Flash Drive
Abc Lesson Plan Copy & Language Analysis
Abc Markers Dry Erase OR Colored Markers
Abc Phone charged for Timer
Abc Power Point
Abc PowerPoint Print out for back up
Abc Useful Language Sheet
Abc Vocabulary Words
Abc Graphic Organizer for Debate
Abc Notebook for error correction

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practiced speaking for fluency in the context of the usefulness and disadvantages of using technology.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading for gist and specific information. To practice controlled free speaking.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-12 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Greet students. Slow down - late students are many. 2. Ask for names & name tags once again. Practice saying their name. Ask them how they are. Ask them how long have they come. Ask them what they expect to gain from the class. 3. I have a question. Which two apps would you keep on your phone, if you could only choose two? Tell me which they are & why. Think about it for one minute. ICQ: - How many apps can you choose? 2. 4. Class discussion. 5. Tell Ss. talk in pairs/groups (COUNT) and answer the discussion together. 6. Group Feedback

Pre-teach vocabulary & Reading authentic text w/questions (8-10 minutes) • Pre-teach necessary vocabulary for reading.

1. 2. Tell Ss, to quickly read their paragraph in 2 minutes, and answer the questions. ICQ: How many minutes? 2 minutes. Are you going to read quickly or slowly? Quickly.

Useful Language Debate (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

1. Elicit from students what is important in a debate: Ask Ss: What are sentences when we are sharing our view/opinion/belief? What are sentences we say when we agree with someone? What are sentences we say when we disagree with someone? How do we interrupt someone else politely? 2. Choral Drill. Popcorn drill phrases if you find it neccessary. BOARD POSSIBILITIES: (Try before hand) Examples: - Listening well - Support - facts, information, reasons, examples to support your point (stance) - Considering the opposing views opinions and thoughts and coming up with arguments. Know ways to: - State your point of view - Agree - Disagree - Interrupt respectfully Extra Tips: Start with your most important reason to least important. Possible sentence structures: Do not take it personally! (Use worksheets)

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

CHUNK ONE 1. Give Ss, a graphic organizer. Ask them to fill in the boxes to prepare for a debate. Fill in the organizer based on the portion you read with facts! 2. Share example on Power Point. Tell Ss, they have 3 minutes. ICQ: How many minutes do you have? 5. Are you writing your own arguments or facts from the reading? Facts from the reading. CHUNK TWO 3. Divide the teams. One person from each article if possible. 4. Give "big paper" one for "Pro Technology" "Anti-Technology" 5. Tell Ss, talk to your team. Decide what are your strongest points. 6. Tell Ss, you have 3 minutes to prepare. ICQ: - Are you deciding your weak points or your strong points? - How many minutes to do you have? 3 minutes. 7. Set a timer. 8. DEBATE Facilitate. Pro side Anti side Extend for as long as it goes. Class feedback. Class debrief: What do you actually believe? Are you pro or against? Is there one right answer?

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Error Correction: Look for ways to say something better, missing letters in sentences, pronunciation.

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