Farouk Zaabab Farouk Zaabab

TP3 (Chinese New Year)
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will read the adapted text on P25 (Global Elementary Textbook) using the techniques of guessing, reading for gist and scanning for specific information and details. The students then review and practice "doesn't" and "don't" in the context of the Chinese Spring Festival.They will follow this up with a short speaking activity asking their peers about the things they don't do . All of this is within the context of the Chinese New Year.


Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the students will have had practice in reading for gist and details in the context of the Chinese Spring Festival.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, the students will have had reviewed and practised the negative form of the auxiliary verb "to do" in the present (doesn't and don't).


Lead-In (1-2 minutes) • To introduce the lesson and break the ice.

T greets the Ss. T tells the Ss that they are going to do a bit of reading about something that they have to guess.

Vocabulary Activity 1 (2-4 minutes) • To introduce the animals' names to be encountered in the text.

The T introduces pictures of the twelve chinese animals that represent the 12 years cycle. T elicits the meaning from the students and checks the pronunciation and spelling. T raises their curiosity by presenting a photo of the Chinese Spring Festival and asking them to think of what connects the animals to the picture. SS guess.

Gist reading (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in gist reading

The T presents the Ss with the text and asks them to read it quickily for 2 minutes to check the correct answer to the question: The text is about: a) Chinese New Year b) Chinese food c) Chinese pets This short activity helps them develop their gist reading skill and prepares them for the coming activities.

Scanning and reading for details (10-14 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in scan reading and reading for details.

T divides the students into two groups of six or more students-depending on the whole number of students . T explains the activity (Materials: activity one) and uses ICQs to make sure they get them right. For example, T can ask the folloing questions: are you working in a group or alone? do you have 10 minutes to discuss or 2 minutes? and the group which finishes first is the ..............? After finishing the activity, the teacher checks with the students (WC check) including feedback about what they did. This activity helps in developing the Ss scanning ability and reinforces the spelling and pronunciation patterns in their memories. The next activity (Materials:activity two),is to encourage the Ss to read for details. T gives the "reading HO" after checking what the students are going to do (ICQs). Ss do the exrecise (Materials: reading HO) individually, check in pairs and finally do WC feedback. T checks their understanding using CCQs to make sure they got the details from the text.

Grammar from Context (3-5 minutes) • To elicit, analyse and drill the language point of using "don't and doesn't"

T elicits the sentences from the Ss using the picture of Sue and the text they read earlier. SS complete the sentences : a) The Chinese don't say four on the first day of the new year. b) Sue doesn't cut her hair on the first day of the new year. T analyses the Form: S + don't + Verb1 + O when the subject is one of the following pronouns: I, You,We, They S + doesn't + verb1 + O when the subject is one of the following pronouns: He, She, It T drills the pronunciation of "don't and doesn't"

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide Ss with controlled practice of the previous grammar point (don't/doesn't) in this context (Chinese Spring Festival).

T writes some questions on the WB. Then demos the activity (Materials: activity three) with one student and asks ICQs after that. The Ss are given 3 minutes to finish the activity. T selects two students to do two answers on the board and the whole class completes the rest. Finally, the teacher asks Mr. Rabbit for feedback (a fun way to end the activity).

Freer Practice (8-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with Freer practice (speaking) in using the language point and personalizing the context.

The teacher divides the groups according to their year of birth (Materials: demo age) and gives them the speaking handout. T puts them into pairs according to their Chinese year names (to reinvest the animals' names and put them into use in this activity). Each student is supposed to talk abou five things he/she doesn't do. Finally, they report about what they found (practice in using he doesn't ,she doesn't and I don't) and get feedback.

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