Tarek Tarek

Can/can't for ability
Elementary level


In this lesson, ss will practise can/can't for ability. Can/can't are presented through the context of an audition for a TV show where young people compete for the chance to be trained as a pop star.


Abc PowerPoint slides
Abc CD Audio
Abc Video clips

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, ss will have practised can/can't to talk about ability in the context of talent show.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise listening for specific information.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1-1- I present a picture of the famous programme "Arabs Got Talent" and ask the ss questions about it. What kind of programme is it? 2-I present two videos that show one has talent and one doesn't have to make ss use can/can't. I ask ccqs about the videos before they watch them. Can he sing? Can she sing? ss answer in a complete form.

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1-I focus on the photos of the three people in Ex1. I explain that these three people want to be on the TV programme. 2- I ask ss questions to guess who has star quality, from the book. Exercise B 1- I ask ss to listen to the three people sing, play the guitar, and dance. 2- I ask the ss to complete the sentences with Jude, Gareth, and Kelly. 3- I ask ss to take a screen shot of the exercise. 3- I ask ss to get into breakout rooms to discuss their answers. 4- when they get out of the breakout rooms, I will play the audio again. After that, I will provide the answer key

Highlighting (7-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Exercise B 1- I ask ss to listen to the three people sing, play the guitar, and dance. 2- I ask the ss to complete the sentences with Jude, Gareth, and Kelly. 3- I ask ss to take a screen shot of the exercise. 4- I ask ss to get into breakout rooms to discuss their answers. 5- when they get out of the breakout rooms, , I will play the audio again. After that, I will provide the answer key.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of can/can't for ability.

Exercise C 1- I ask ss to listen to know the winner 2- I ask ss to get into breakout rooms to discuss why they choose the winner and if the have different opinions.. 1-1- I will show two/three example sentences from the listening and elicit the forms of using can/can't Affirmative: Gareth can sing. subject+ can+ infinitive Negative: : Kelly can’t sing subject + can't + infinitive. Question form: Can Jude play the guitar? Can + Subject + infinitive ? I ask ss to complete exercise d with can/can't. . .

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Exercise e.1- I will demo with ss for exercise e. using sing, dance, and play the guitar. The demo will be with the whole class. First I will drill the question form, then ask the ss to ask each other in the main session in open pairs. 2- I will send the ss into the breakout rooms to ask and answer questions like the demo.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1- I will demo with ss by asking different ss the questions from Exercise 3 on page 41. 2- Then I will ask the whole class to ask each other the questions in the main session in open pairs. to complete the survey. 3- I ask ss to take a screen shot. 4- I ask ss to go into the breakout rooms to interview each other. 5- Round-up. What did you learn about each other? Who is creative? Who is practical? Who is physical?

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