Maïlys Maïlys

TP 2 LP_Mailys Rouleau
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson, students will listen to a recording about healthy eating that will be introduced by 1 or 2 questions and some vocabulary. Then, task 1 will be explained so students can focus on listening to specific information. Moreover, instructions will be given for the second task that will consist in answering detailed questions. After peer to peer checking and feedback, students will discuss 4 questions in groups and share their ideas with the whole class.


Abc Task 2 - Detailed questions

Main Aims

  • To provide detailed and specific information listening practice using a text about food in the context of healthy eating

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of seldom (adv.) and hardly (adv.)
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of healthy eating


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To introduce students to the context of healthy eating.

2 Qs: 1. What did you eat today ? 2. Do you think that you have a balanced diet ? Why ? Students share ideas.

Vocabulary (5 minutes) • To familiarize students with 2 similar adverbs used in the recording.

SELDOM: I seldom drive my car into the city. > Meaning - CCQs: Do I use my car a lot? Is there any chance that you'll see me driving ? What could be a synonym for seldom ? > Form - Label + other sentences. > Pronunciation I will ask the student to repeat the word as a group and then individually. HARDLY: The party had hardly started when she left. > Meaning - CCQs Did she left at the end or at the beginning of the party ? Did this girl stay a long time at the party ? > Form - Label + other sentences. > Pronunciation I will ask the student to repeat the word as a group and then individually.

1st Task (9 minutes) • To listen to specific information.

Prediction: 5 mn Before the audio, students will receive a Google Form. Based on the pictures of Guy and Jasmin, they will have to guess who said what between the following 6 sentences: 1) I think I'm pretty healthy and I just eat what I like. (Guy) 2) And I'd get an ice cream or something on the way home from school every day. (Jasmin) 3) Most mornings I'll have toast with a lot of peanut butter and jam. (Guy) 4) I used to be so unfit and I used to eat burgers and fries all the time. (Jasmin) 5) And then I read a lot of stuff about healthy eating and I knew my diet had to change. (Jasmin) 6) My mom's always complaining about my diet. (Guy) Audio (play 1): 2:25 Students will focus on listening to specific information, in this case, the 6 sentences from the prediction task. They will have the opportunity to check their answers. After this 1st task, I will give them the answer key. (1')

2nd Task (8 minutes) • To listen to detailed information.

Students will be given instructions for task 2 which consists in answering 5 questions about the recording: 1) Who is healthier, Guy or his mother? 2) What does Guy think of government advice on food? 3) Does Jasmin ever eat things that are unhealthy? 4) Why did she decide to get fit? 5) What does she say about Japanese eating habits? They will have 1 minute to read them and then; we will do the first one together. Then, I will play the audio for a second time. (2:25) Students will answer the rest of the questions individually. If they've lost track, I will give them 3 more minutes so they can finish.

Peer-to-peer checking (8 minutes) • To practice interacting skills with a partner and help students understand their mistakes.

After they've finished to complete the exercise individually, I will send students to BORs so they can check their answers with a partner. I will give them 6-7'. Then everybody comes back and I give the students the answer key so they can check their answers quickly and ask questions if they have doubts.

Discussion activity / Post-Listening (6 minutes) • To explore the topic in depth and practice speaking in small groups.

Students are sent in BORs to discuss the following questions: 1) Agree / Disagree and Why: “When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need” - Ayurvedic proverb. Expected answers: Agree: - Food brings minerals and vitamins to our body which strenghtens the immune system. - Vegetables and fruits occupy a bigger volume in your stomach so you feel full. You won't be tempted to eat some industrial snack which are generally high in sugar, salt and fat very low in nutrients and cause illnesses such as diabetes and heart attacks. Disagree: - You can eat very healthy and still get sick because of lack of sleep, too much drinking, smoking,... 2) Why lot of people eat unhealthy ? Give 3 reasons. Expected answers: - Lack of money (fruits and vegetables are generally expensive) - No variety of food - Lack of time - Not able to cook at home - always outside because of work. - Addiction to junk food 3) Do you think that government should give nutritional advice ? Why / Why not ? Expected answers: It could be a good idea because it makes people realise that sugar or fat is commonly used in food industry. It makes them more conscious about the way they eat and incentives them to buy more fresh food. Hence, it could have a positive impact on obesity rates... 4) Which one is better between Diet Coke and Original Coke? Why ? Expected answers: Well actually, the Diet Coke is even worse for your health. It doesn't contain sugar but you can still find artifical sweeteners.

Feedback (5 minutes) • To end the lesson by sharing ideas students came up with during the discussion activity.

Students will share with the whole class what they've discussed previously.

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