Reza Vasa Reza Vasa

TP: 3b
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson i will be working on the students reading ability. There are some expressions that I will be pre-teaching within the context of job. There are two reading passages by which we will be practicing reading for gist and details.


Abc Questions from Face2Face
Abc Reading passages
Abc Students' Errors
Abc Lexical Set on Job hunting
Abc Know/am not sure/don't know
Abc Freer Speaking Activity

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about jobs in the context of hunting jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of write a CV, fill in, fill out, unemployed, unemployment benefit ear, etc in the context of job hunting


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in The job-hunting context

1. The students are greeted and asked whether they work. Then, two or three are asked to talk about their job description. 2. The students are then asked to work in pairs to think of two people they know with jobs and discuss the following two questions: a. What do they do in their jobs. b. Who has a better job? 3. Two or three students share their responses with the whole class.

Pre-teaching Vocabulary (13-14 minutes) • To pre-teach nine phrases in the context of job-hunting

In this stage a kind of Test Teach Test approach is adopted to see what phrases the students are familiar with and which need to be taught. 1. Instructions are provided, ICQs are asked and time is set before students are tested by saying whether they know, are not sure, or don't know a phrase. 2. The words are taught if they are not known and checked if the learners claim they know them. Meaning, form and pronunciation are dealt with in the activity. 3. Students are grouped and asked to put the phrases in order so that the words are consolidated. Finally, one possible order is placed on the board.

Pre-Reading (5-7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. As ta transition activity between the pre-teaching stage and the reading stage, the students are regrouped and asked to make sentences about themselves or the people they know using the phrases they have been exposed to.The students are asked to work in groups and talk about themselves or the people they know using the phrases they had in the previous section. 2. They are then asked to look at two photos and say what they think the people are doing.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (1-2 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading tasks

1. The students are asked to look at 2 pictures on the board and asked what they are doing. 2. Two letters in the form of hand-outs are given and the students are asked to match the letters and the pictures.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with detailed reading tasks

1. Some sentences are placed on the board or as a hand-out. The students are asked to read them and find out whether the sentences are right or wrong and correct the wrong ones. 2. They are asked to check their answers in pairs. 3. I will put the right answers on the board and have them read the answers.

Post-Reading (7-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1. Some questions appear on the board. They are based on the phrases they have been exposed to. They are asked to work in groups of three and discuss them together: a. Have you ever written a CV? Did you write it on your own? b. Is it more difficult to be unemployed when you are young or when you are older? Why? c. Can people in Turkey get unemployment benefit? d. What is the best way to find a job? 2. They are then asked to share ideas together as a WC activity.

Feedback and error-correction (1-2 minutes) • To give give students feedback about the language they have been exposed to

If I have enough time (about 2 minutes), I will write some of the problems with the language that I have noticed while monitoring and put them on the board at the end of the lesson. I might specifically focus on the meaning, form and pronunciation of the lexical set they have practiced throughout the TP.

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