Orange, brown and purple
Basic kids level


In this lesson the student is going to learn more lexical items to develop his motor skills.


Abc Cuadernillo de ingles
Abc zoom
Abc a video about the colours
Abc Power point presentation about colours vocabulary.
Abc a video with a song about the colours.
Abc a video about the colours

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of colours in the context of thing of that colours.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of of colours in the context of vocabulary.


Warm up (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Sing a song with the student about the colours.

1st cycle - writing, listening and speaking. (45-50 minutes) • The student will improve his lexical items, will practice them and will develop his motor skills through colouring and relating objects and colours

Pre - task: Review the vocabulary of the last class with the student. While - task: Teach the student new vocabulary related to the colours orange, brown and purple. Post - task: The student will colour some work sheets and when he finishes he is going to review all the vocabulary.

Cooler (3-5 minutes) • To finish the lesson

Watch with the student a video about the colours.

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