Demostrativer adjectives
Teens Basic. level


In this lesson the students are going to learn the possessive adjectives and how to use them when writing and speaking.


Abc Wordwall platform
Abc Zoom's board
Abc Worksheet about the demonstrative adjectives
Abc stickers
Abc A power point presentation about the demonstrative adjectives
Abc zoom

Main Aims

  • In this lesson the students are going to learn the demonstrative adjectives and develop their ability to use grammar and speak in the correct way.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn the demonstrative adjectives for plural and singular


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

show the students some emojis and they will have to say the feeling or emotion.

1st cycle - writing and speaking. (20-25 minutes) • To prepare students for the next tasks and make them accessible

Pre - task: ask the students what some objects are. While task: Teach the students the demonstrative adjectives through some examples. Post - task: The students will watch a video about the demonstrative adjectives and some examples of them.

2nd cycle - writing and speaking. (20-25 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging gist and specific information tasks

Pre - task: the students will play a game about the demonstrative adjectives in the wordwall platform. While - task: The students will solve a worksheet about the demonstrative adjectives. Post - Task. Review the worksheet with the students.

Cooler (3-5 minutes) • To finish the lesson

Assign the students some homework and make sure they don't have doubts about the class.

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