The members of the family
Basic kids level


In this lesson the students are going to learn the members of the family.


Abc Wordwall platform
Abc zoom
Abc Zoom's board
Abc A power point presentation about the members of the family.
Abc Youtube video about the members of the family for kids.

Main Aims

  • At the end of this lesson the students are going to be able to identify the members of their family.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn how to say the members of the family in English.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask the students what are they wearing to check that they remember yesterday's lesson topic.

1st cycle - writing and speaking. (20-25 minutes) • To prepare students for the next task and make it accessible

Pre - task: Ask the students how do they live with and to say the names of the member of the family they live with. While - task: Teach the students how to identify the members of their families. Post - task: The students are going to watch a video about the members of the family to reinforce the topic.

2nd cycle - writing and speaking. (20-25 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information tasks

Pre - task: The students are going to play a game in the wordwall platform about the members of the family. While - task: The students are going to do their family three. Post task: The students are going to do a little presentation of their family threes.

Cooler • To finish the lesson

Make sure that the goal of the class was achieved and the students have no doubts about the topic of the class.

Web site designed by: Nikue