Amanda Amanda

Amanda Dutton CELTA TP 5 Speaking
Intermediate level


Speaking Lesson Memorable Events


Abc PPT Presentation
Abc Wordwall Task/Exercise

Main Aims

  • To intoduce students to and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of memorable events

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in the use of sequential phrases (linking or ordering events)


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show Ss PPT #1, picture collage of my brother's wedding and ask if they can guess what is happening. Give short story using TL of my brother's wedding as an anecdote lead-in. Ask Ss about any memorable events in their life.

Language Prep (4-5 minutes) • To expose students to TL for upcoming tasks

Introduce Ss to TL. Show Ss PPT #2: Linking Phrases put events in order in time … * At first, * Soon, * In the end, * Then, * After a while, * To begin with, * After that, Students then complete this short task: Show What You Know! FiG exercise on Wordwall that uses the seven TL phrases (3 mins.) Show Ss PPT #4 with answers, time given to ask questions.

Content Prep (4-5 minutes) • For students to prepare ideas using TL for upcoming tasks

Ss are shown PPT #4: Please take three minutes and write down three memorable events in your life and think of how you would tell someone about them. Weddings Travel Graduation Parties Holidays Fun or interesting story Scary event Childhood story Pets/Children Keep our linking phrases in mind: * At first, * Soon, * In the end, * Then, * After a while, * To begin with, * After that, Students work individually to prepare their ideas.

Productive Task 1 (11-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss are shown PPT #5: Select ONE of your memorable events and tell your friend/s about it. Try to use the linking phrases as you tell the story. * At first, * Soon, * In the end, * Then, * After a while, * To begin with, * After that, TEN MINUTES, PLEASE. If you have time left at the end, go ahead and tell them about another memorable event. Ss are sent to BoRs to practice. Teacher monitors and collects info for Content FB.

Content FB (2-2 minutes) • To clarify and encourage TL use

Ss return to main group. Clarification of TL use is made, if needed. Time for Ss to ask questions. Ss are then told to do the same thing again, but in new/different groups. Or if there aren't enough students to switch, for them to change their stories/memorable events.

Productive Task 2 (11-12 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Ss continue as they did before and select a new memorable event to talk about with a new group of peers. Teacher monitors.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

DEC from monitoring of groups during productive tasks.

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