Vuslat Vuslat

TP2 Animal Rights Expressing opinions
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will be introduced different ways of expressing opinions with the help of some pictures, and they will practice the target language with some exercises like gap-filling; this will be followed by pair and group speaking activities.


Abc Gap-filling Handouts
Abc Speaking Cards
Abc Speaking Activities

Main Aims

  • To practise the functional language of expressing opinions in the context of animal rights.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give extra practice in speaking skills in the context of animal rights.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set the lesson context and engage the students

The teacher will show a picture of people with different speech bubbles to elicit that people have different ideas.And then the teacher will show a picture of a woman living with a lot of cats and saying "people should have cats" to give the students an idea that shows people may agree or disagree with each other.

Language Focus (5-7 minutes) • To introduce the language focus to the students and to help them practise with some exercises

The teacher will give the students the HOs from the coursebook page 19, and ask them to underline the phrases that express people's opinions. Then the teachers shows the answers on the board and this will be followed by some drilling and pronunciation activities. To elicit the meaning the teacher will put the expressions on the WB in different colours.

Gap-filling Exercise (10-15 minutes) • To practise the functional language of expressing opinions

The teacher will give the instructions of the exercise and give the handouts taken from the workbook (page 11 Ex.3) The students will fill the blanks in pairs and then match the sentences; then the teacher gives feedback by checking the answers - asking students to read with their pairs. This will be followed by a group work where students will fill the blanks on the board.

Controlled Speaking Practice (8-10 minutes) • To use the functional language in the context of the lesson

Students will express their personal opinions about the information on the speaking cards (coursebook page 19)

Speaking (7-10 minutes) • To give extra practice in speaking skills in the context of animal rights.

The teacher will pre-teach the word "slaughter" as they will see it in the following discussion topics. And then the teacher will show the picture of a Turkish young man who has slaughtered a cat for fun recently. ( She will try to elicit what he did if none of the students recognizes him) Then the teacher will ask them to discuss the difference between killing the animals for no reason and killing them to eat.

If-time Speaking Activity (3-5 minutes) • To give extra practice in speaking skills in the context of animal rights.

The teacher will ask the students discuss the topics about animal rights in pairs. (Coursebook page 19, Speaking Activity 1)

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