Casey Casey

B1 Intermediate level


In this lesson, students are introduced to the difference between -ed and -ing ending adjectives and are taught the proper context of use for each.


Abc Google Forms, Google Slides, Google Docs, Zoom
Abc TP4 Lesson

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of -ed and -ing ending adjectives in the context of different feelings in different situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Reading for gist to generally understand feeling versus cause and for specific lexical information in the context of a hike.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Students are asked two questions to lead-in to the primary topic: "When was the last time you felt really frightened/annoyed?" and "How about the last time you did something exciting or interesting?" Each question asks to elicit an answer dealing with the two lexical forms we discuss, ed and ing.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students are then asked to listen to a short story about the teacher's hiking trip for gist to determine "How I felt before" and "How I felt after" the hike. This exposes them to the context of the target language (different feelings in different situations) as well as a series of words ending in -ed/-ing that are not in the adjective use, which is a primary concern of comprehension requiring some distinction in the clarification stage.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I have highlighted key sentences from the text and isolated the ed/ing adjectives for students to fill in themselves from the listening. This is done as a group, with answers checked as we will them in. It is possible at this stage students might elicit the wrong from of the word. By highlighting the sentences in this way, it establishes the use of -ed/-ing words but doesn't explain the distinction. Two more sentences are highlighted and students are explicitly asked which sentence describe how the subject feels and which sentence is the reason. Answering this leads in to our MPF clarification.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Beginning a guided-discovery clarification stage we cover the meaning of -Ed vs. -Ing ending adjectives by trying to elicit the same meaning from the previous highlighting exercise, asking which form is for feeling and which is for the cause of that feeling. Four adjectives have been separated from the text to go into detail on: fascinated, exhausting, worried, and thrilling. Meaning for each word is asked first from the students; "Does anyone know what this word might mean?" Definition meaning is then provided, followed by asking the students to use it in a sentence, followed by showing an example sentence for each word. Pronunciation is then elicited for each word by asking students to listen to each word and reply with the syllable count. Those syllables are then broken out phonetically for the students, who are then asked to determine where the stressed syllable is. Students are then drilled as a group on proper pronunciation, followed by some select individuals to adjust accuracy. Form is taught using a sentence for each form of the target language by asking students to determine the parts of speech in each sentence. After determine parts of speech, students are asked to look at the adjective closely and break it down, verb + present or past participle. To ensure the form is understood, two more sentences are introduced, neither of which follows the rule of the target language. Students are asked to identify the parts of speech and are asked if the sentence follows the rule, hopefully eliciting the response that they do not.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The students are then given a worksheet to practice the proper use of the target language, with about four minutes to work in breakout groups to determine their answers. ICQ's are given before starting the task to make sure everyone sees and understands what they are doing. By having students work on this task in pairs it will strengthen each student's confidence for the upcoming freer-practice. An answer key is then given for the class to compare their answers, with any further clarification needed addressed at the end of this stage.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students are then given a list of eight sentences and are asked to describe their appropriate feelings in each situation with their breakout groups. As freer practice, this activity has students directly engage with the context of the target language and helps personalize the lesson thus far, having students share their attitudes to each situation with an appropriate target language adjective. To ensure the practice is accurate, students are also asked to write one sentence properly using ed/ing adjective form. Students are given several minutes to work on their answers before beginning feedback. Since there are no absolute answers for these questions, students will be asked to share their sentences with the class and analyze them for accuracy as to the established lexical rules in the lesson. Class ends with any delayed error correction that needs to be addressed to maintain accuracy of any statements said during practice sections.

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