Mahdi Fathi Mahdi Fathi

Lexis | solo
intermediate level


Abc subject cards
Abc bell
Abc American English File 1
Abc Lexis context
Abc family tree
Abc word cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of family lexis in the context of cousin, niece, ...

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of family lexis


Greeting (1 minutes) • Building up rapport

A. Set the scene (USB, markers, materials) B. Greet the class

Engagement (2-3 minutes) • Raising enthusiasm and sustaining interest

A. Explain the family tree picture B. Give them instructions : - show them the context paper and say: - "look at this paper guys" - "there is a word is highlighted" - "I will group you and give each group one of these" - "read it and try to find the highlighted word's place in the family tree" C. Ask ICQ: - "Which one of these people are you?" - "Do you do it alone or together?"

Study (5-7 minutes) • Teaching new words related to family to the students

A. Teach the word "cousin" using MECDIBLE : - Meaning: convey the meaning by explaining how he/she is related to them. - Elicitation: try to elicit the word, if the students couldn't find the word reveal it yourself little by little. - CCQ: 1. "Is he your cousin? (point at someone in the family tree and ask)" 2. "Does it have to be a boy? Can it be a girl too?" ​ - Drill: drill the word chorally and individually - Boarding: write the word on the right side of the board - Labeling: elicit the part of speech and the stress part by asking CCQ - Example: make the first example yourself then ask the students B. Teach the word "nephew" using MECDIBLE : - Meaning: convey the meaning by explaining how he/she is related to them. - Elicitation: try to elicit the word, if the students couldn't find the word reveal it yourself little by little. - CCQ: 1. "Is this your nephew? (point at someone in the family tree and ask)" 2. "Does it have to be a boy? Can it be a girl too?" 3. "Is it only your brother's son or it can be your sister's son too?" ​ - Drill: drill the word chorally and individually - Boarding: write the word on the right side of the board - Labeling: elicit the part of speech and the stress part by asking CCQ - Example: make the first example yourself then ask the students C. Teach the word "niece" using MECDIBLE : - Meaning: convey the meaning by explaining how he/she is related to them. - Elicitation: try to elicit the word, if the students couldn't find the word reveal it yourself little by little. - CCQ: 1. "Is this your niece? (point at someone in the family tree and ask)" 2. "Does it have to be a girl? Can it be a boy too?" ​ 3. "Is it only your sister's daughter or it can be your brother's daughter too?" - Drill: drill the word chorally and individually - Boarding: write the word on the right side of the board - Labeling: elicit the part of speech and the stress part by asking CCQ - Example: make the first example yourself then ask the students

Controlled practice (2-4 minutes) • To test the students in word level

A . Give them the instructions : - Do it along with modeling. - "There are some papers here and there is a word in each one of them." - "I divide you into two groups and then one person from the first group will come to the board and draw the word" - "His/her group should guess the word in 40 seconds" 7. Divide them into two groups. B| Ask ICQ : 1. "When you come to the board your group should guess the word or the other group?" 2. "Will you draw the word or pantomime it?"

Semi-controlled practice (2-3 minutes) • To check the students in sentence level

A. Give them instructions: - Say that you will bring 2 of them to the table - Show them the wheel app and explain that this wheel will choose a word - Tell them that they should ring the bell and make a sentence with that word (the first one to ring the bell can say his sentence) - Explain that they should say their sentence immediately and if they stutter when they are saying their sentence they will lose the point B. Ask ICQ - "Can you say your sentence without ringing the bell?" - "What happens if you don't say your sentence right after ringing the bell?"

Freer practice (4-6 minutes) • To test the students in paragraph level

A. Give them instructions: - Tell them you'll pair them and they have to talk about one of their family members - Explain that by the word "family" you mean distant family - Explain the concept of the papers and tell them that they have to talk about the member in their paper. B. Ask ICQ: - "Do you talk about anyone you want or the person in your paper?

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