Abigail Mercado Abigail Mercado

LP TP6 Abigail Mercado
Intermediate level


Abc Answer Keys Ready
Abc Flash Drive
Abc Student Hand Outs / Work Sheets
Abc Lesson Plan Copy & Language Analysis
Abc Markers Dry Erase OR Colored Markers
Abc Phone charged for Timer
Abc Power Point
Abc Sticky Tac / Magnets
Abc Vocabulary Words
Abc List of Modals for Activity 1a

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson students will have practiced the meaning, pronunciation and form of modals in the context of making predictions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading for specific information.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic of PREDICTIONS

1. Greet my students, have name cards ready to go, or sticky notes, go through names one more time/introduce yourself. 2. Set the stage well. ENGAGE them. - Display 1st Slide of 2020. Ask Ss, what were some big world events that happened? - Display the second picture of Corona, Covid. T: Covid happened. Did anyone know it was going to happen? Ss answer, no. - Display 3rd Slide. - Say, quickly, everyone was effected, the ENTIRE world has been changed and we don't know what the future will look like. Do you know the future? Ss. No. 3. Display the 4th Slide. Read these questions and answer them in pairs / groups of three. 4. Today we are talking about MAKING PREDICITIONS. But FIRST, Vocab.

Exposure: Pre-Teach Vocabulary (2-4 minutes) • To provide a model of the task and highlight useful words and phrases

Introduce the two words: 1 - Co’mmercials (n) (picture) what is this a picture of? Give Ss 5 seconds to think. Model and drill it. Stick it to the board. Ask where's the stress. 2 - to breed (v) (context) I love to climb mountains, I didn’t give up, and in the end I was more confident because of it. Starts with a "b". Give Ss 5 seconds. Then say it and the definition, with picture examples from PPoint and share quotes. Model and drill. Stick it to the board. Ask and label stress. CCQ's - Did I make something happen? Yes Ex 1: Gratitude breeds happiness. Ex 2: Success breeds success.

Reading Task (3-4 minutes) • Practicing subsidiary aim of scanning for specific information.

1-Set the reading task - 'chest' instructions - imperative sentences. Slowly. Now, eyes up here, scan and read the article on the back of your worksheet and highlight with this marker, 6 predictions. Your eyes are moving QUICKLY on the page to FIND information, you are NOT reading slowly word for word. Demo how you will read. (MIME & VISUALIZE). ICQ's: - Are you reading, word for word? No. - Are you reading quickly or slowly? Quickly. - How many predictions are you highlighting? 6. I will give you 1 minute and a half. - How many minutes will I give you? 1 minute and a half. Explain why this skill is important? This is important because in the REAL world, we do not read every word to find information. Like a McDonalds Menu. When we want order something do you read the whole menu to find what you want? No. We read quickly. I found my Bic Mac. 'Khlas' I'm finished. So read quickly, and practice this skill. 2. Distribute HO#1 & Highlighters. 3. Monitor weak students. Check for understanding. 4. Pair feedback. Check your answers with your partner.

Language Clarification (10-13 minutes) • To provide meaning, form and pronunciation of functional language.

1. Look at page 94. The grey box. - Express: There are MANY ways you can make predictions. Ask Ss. What was the word in the article used many times to predict? Starts with a "w". Answer: Will. - (Reference LA sheet for additional notes followed) - Write sentence #1 with gaps for modals. - So what does will mean here? Give Ss two seconds. Expressing a definite prediction. Meaning, I am almost certain it will happen. - Elicit & board form w/labels in different colors. - Sentence Stress. - Add negative form and switch between won't and the adverb when it is in NEG FORM. - Note about probably, certainly, and definitely. - Draw & Drill intonation. CCQ: - In the sentence. Do I know what will happen? No. - Am I confident something can happen? Yes. 2. Second sentence, may or may not... - Board. - Elicit and label form. - Elicit sentence stress. - Drill pronunciation/intonation. 3. Third sentence, is likely (not) to... - Board. - Elicit and label form. - Elicit sentence stress. - Drill pronunciation/intonation. 4. Next activity. 'Chest' Instructions. Put the words in the box in the correct order. Demo, for example: The top phrase in the top line says what? "Will definitely". Why? Give Ss a chance. Because it is a very certain and confident prediction a 100% chance. I will give you 3 minutes. Work alone. ICQ: - Are you working together? No. 5. Check answers together. 6. Check answers on the the Power Point.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To allow students to report on how they did the task and how it went

1. Read the sentences. Change them using these different words (adverbs & modals). 2. Demo, show example on the Power Point. "Children will study at home rather than at school" is the original sentence. Then they added what? Give Ss. a few seconds to respond. Answer: "probably won't study"... "Children probably won't study at home rather than at school. 3. You have 6 minutes. 4. ICQ: - How many minutes do you have? 5 minutes.

Freer Practice (3-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

1. Ask them to compare their answers with each other. 2. Monitor and write down 3-5 possible Error Correction Feedback. Board this. Back up and Additional Freer Practice: Ex 2. 1. Write ten predictions of your own about the 6 items listed below. Demo: My friend Sonia may well get married next year. It will almost certainly be hot tomorrow.

Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

1. Board 5 examples of things written or spoken and the correct answer. Ideas: - Pronunciation - Grammar - Sentence formatting

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