Erik Cotera Erik Cotera

TP1 LP_Erik Cotera
Upper Intermediate level


Abc Google Forms link for detailed reading task
Abc Google Slides Presentation
Abc Kahoot Quiz for lead-in stage (Game PIN: 05443139)
Abc Google Jamboard for post-reading activity
Abc Cunningham, S. & Moor, P. (2005). New Cutting Edge Student's Book. Pearson Longman.
Abc Google Forms link for pre-teaching vocabulary
Abc Google Forms link for gist reading task
Abc Zoom meeting controls

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about dealing with worst case scenarios

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of words related to emergencies and natural disasters
  • To provide review of language used for giving advice and making suggestions
  • To provide fluency in the context of emergencies and natural disasters


Lead-in (0-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and generate students' interest in the topic of the text

T asks Ss if they practiced their English during the week and nominates them to get their answers. T shares the screen and shows the second slide of the Google Slides Presentation with the instructions to play the quiz on Kahoot, which tests their knowledge of natural disasters. T copy-pastes the link in the chat box. Ss get access to the quiz by entering the PIN number that will be shown on the screen and start playing. Ss have only 20 seconds to answer each of the six questions on Kahoot. T justifies each correct answer and asks Ss to react to the new information. Ss answer the following question in pairs after the Kahoot quiz: Do you know any tips to stay safe during a natural disaster or deal with an accident? T nominates Ss to get their answers and Ss share their contributions in open class.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (0-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and clarify MFP of new vocabulary

T shows slide 3 on the screen and asks the Ss to read 7 sentences on Google Forms and choose the correct meaning of the words in capital letters. T sets the time for this activity (2 minutes) and copy-pastes the link for the activity on Google Forms in the chat box. Ss check answers in pairs and then T nominates them to give their answers in open class. T asks Ss to categorize the words according to their part of speech in the sentences. T sets the time for this activity (1 minute). Ss check answers in pairs and then T nominates them to give their answers in open class. T explains that the word "threat" could be a noun and a verb according to the context. T drills the pronunciation of the words and asks Ss to repeat them paying attention to stress.

Gist Reading Task (0-7 minutes) • To develop students' ability to get a global understanding of the text

T shows slide 4 on the screen and instructs the Ss: "You’re going to read a text about dealing with worst case scenarios. You’ll have 3 minutes to read the four paragraphs of the text to find the main idea in each one and then match them to their corresponding heading". T copy-pastes the link of the activity on Google Forms in the chat box. Ss read in silence and complete the task individually. Ss check answers in pairs and then T shares the screen to show the reading activity and nominates Ss to give their answers in open class.

Detailed Reading Task (0-14 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed reading task

T shows slide 5 on the screen and instructs the Ss: "You’ll have 5 minutes to read the text again more carefully and answer the six questions below." T copy-pastes the link of the activity on Google Forms in the chat box. Ss read in silence and complete the task individually. Ss check answers in pairs and then T shares the screen to show the reading activity and nominates Ss to gives their answers in open class. Ss help the T underline the part of the text that justifies the answer and T asks Ss to confirm the answer.

Post-Reading (0-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T shows slide 6 on the screen and asks Ss to answer the questions that will be shown on the screen on Jamboard. T copy-pastes the links of the Jamboard for the follow-up activity in the chat box. Ss answer the questions individually and write their answers on a sticky note. Ss exchange ideas in pairs and Ss share their contributions within 5 minutes. Then, T asks them to discuss in open class. T provides feedback on the task and delayed error correction.

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