vidhi vidhi

Copy of Education unit 4 A
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about first conditional sentences through listening context about exams and education. The use of CCQs will be highlighted in my plan as can clarify the meaning. there will be some controlled pracice regarding the form of the language. The lesson will be followed with a speaking task to examine students usage of first conditional .


Abc sentences' halves
Abc letters
Abc listening fill-out table
Abc coursebook hand out
Abc sentences' halves

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of first conditional in the context of education

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about final exam in the context of education
  • To provide accuracy in the context of education


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher let the students to look at the picture and elicits their ideas on it. T: `Have you ever cheated on an exam?` then she gives students some discussion questions relating to the topic in ex 4.a. they will talk about them in pairs. and report back on their partners.

Pre-Reading/Listening (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

teacher let the students predict from the picture to have some ideas about the listening. who are these people? what are their names? do they look worried? why? Now read the instruction and check your answers. teacher elicits ideas from the learners about what they should do in the listening task. teacher pre-teach A-level and FCE exams. students will first go through the questions and listen to the recordings. and writes down answers for charlot.then they check their naswers in pairs. teacher can ask for extra questions: what subjects did Charlote choose? they will do the same for Victor. they can write two columns, Charlote and Victor and fill them accordingly

While-Reading/Listening #1 (4-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging listening tasks

T gives time to the students to complete the gaps in ex 4 c they can listen to the recording one more time and check their answers. they have a final check with their partners. teacher gets the whole class feedback and writes down some marker sentences on the board.for the next task.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T projects two marker sentences on the board. they don't give me a place unless I get 3As and a B... CCQs: when can she have a place in university? when she gets 3As and a B. Can she enters the university she likes without 3As and a B? No has she already got the marks? No as soon as the post comes, I will take the letter upstairs and open it. when is she going to open the letters? when the post comes is she going to waite a bit or do it immediatly? do it immediatly is she talking about the future or present? Future I don't want to plan until I'll get the results. is she going to have a plan? yes when will she have her plan? After getting the results. If I don't get into Cambridge, my parents will kill me. what is the result of not getting into the Cambridge for her? Her parents will get mad has it happen yet? No which one will happen first? she getting her results when I go to the class room, the grades will be on the notice boards. does she know about her grades now? No when will she find oout? when she gets to the board

(8-10 minutes) • eliciting form

Teacher underline two parts of the sentences, T asks about the verb tense in both clauses and mark them with different colors. (if+present simple, future tense) T highlights `as soon as, when, unless and until` and explains they have the same structure. T shows the marker sentences on the board again. for extra drilling she puts students into two groups of A and B. group A needs to say one half and B the other half.

semi-controlled practice (6-7 minutes) • students will be able to produce the target language using prompts

T will let the students to complete the prompts in pairs they can writes down their completed form and pass it to their partner to finish. I wont stop studying until I .... pass the exam. I won't pass the exam Untill I finish all of my books.

extra practice • be able to use the correct form of the verb

T hads the students pieces of some short e-mails. They need to complete the gaps using the right verb tense. in case of extra time T can give two halves of a first conditional sentence and let the students to mingle and find the right half.

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