Sahar Sahar

Reading- Social style
Intermediate-grade 4-A level


In this lesson learners will focus on receptive skills of reading and sub skill gist reading and as output of the class will be productive skills of speaking. The context of the lesson is based on social style. In this session students will read and test their understanding. In this lesson students will do different activities which involves reading. These activities will help student to derive the meaning from the text, most of the activities will be reading and then students will be discussing after the reading. Apart from the lead in teacher will play a passive role and will be monitoring students for the errors and to provide assistance. The output of the lesson will be speaking.


Abc •The course book (Touch Stone)Flashcards

Main Aims

  • • To provide gist reading practice using a text about social style.
  • • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about social style .

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide clarification of the words in the texts. • To practice speaking.• To provide practice of the words in the texts.


Warmer/ Lead-in • (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

In the beginning I will greet the students. I will attract their attention with a funny activity (show and tell), so I will show them some pictures and ask them to name these pictures and tell me where they can find these objects, the answer should be in a party because all the pictures will be related to the party such as music,food,gifts and so on. Now I will ask each student to think individually for 2 minutes about if he/she likes to attend parties,or no? and what he/she feels when a friend invites him/her to a party? ICQs: Do you have to answer the questions alone or with your partner? (Alone) How much time do you have to think about the answer? (2 minutes) . Finally, ideas are circled and I get students ready for pre-reading time.

Pre-Reading • (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible. To prepare Ss for gist reading

-I will introduce the lesson by reading the lesson title aloud. Say, "Social style " which refers to how people behave in social situations. - I will " Write these category heads on the board: I Like Parties and I Don't Like Parties. Add two examples of actions for each, such as try to meet new people and sit by myself. Say, "For example, if I like parties, I probably try to meet new people. Ifl don't like parties, I may sit by myself." -I will ask them to discuss in pairs for 2 minutes about this question "Why do you think people react differently to the same situation?" -ICQs: -Do you have to discuss the question alone or with your partner? (With a partner) -How much time do you have to think about the answer? (2 minutes) - The students brainstorm and the I write the answers on the board (e.g., Their personalities are different They've had different positive or negative experiences in the same situations.) -After that I will start to introduce the new vocabularies (Introvert-Extrovert) -Extrovert -Eliciting questions: -What do you call the person who enjoys parties and tries to meet new people? (Extrovert) -Can you tell me the opposite of the word unsocial? (Extrovert) -Definition: An energetic person who enjoys being with other people. -CCQs: -Does an extrovert person like to meet new people? (yes) -Does an extrovert person prefer to be alone or with other people? (With other people) -Are you an extrovert person? -Pronunciation: UK /ˈek.strə.vɜːt/ US /ˈek.strə.vɝːt/ -Forms of the word: -Noun: Extrovert -Verb: Extrovert,Extroverts,Extroverting,Extroverted -Adjective: Extroverted -Adverb: Extrovertedly -Synonym: Sociable -Antonym: Introvert -Word class: noun and verb - The word in context : I had been a very extrovert person,living life to the full. -Introvert -What do you call the person who prefer to stay alone rather than being with other people? (Introvert) -Can you tell me the opposite of the word extrovertl? (?Introvert) -Definition: someone who is shy, quiet, and prefers to spend time alone rather than often being with other people. -CCQs: -Does an introvert person like to meet new people? (No) -Does an introvert person prefer to be alone or with other people? (To be alone) -Are you an extrovert person? -Pronunciation: UK in· tro· vert US \ ˈin-trə-ˌvərt / -Forms of the word: -Noun: Introvert -Verb: Introvert,Introverts,Introverting,Introverted -Adjective: Introverted -Adverb: Introvertedly -Synonym: Unsocial,shy -Antonym: Extrovert -Word class: noun and verb - The word in context : Because I am an introvert person,I rarely go to parties. -Now open your books p.40 (Gist task) -I Say, "Before you read carefully, quickly look through the article. Find the answers to the question: What kinds of behaviors are typical of extroverts and introverts? Introverts: are quiet, shy, avoid large, noisy groups; Extroverts: like to go to parties, tell jokes, give opinions freely -I will ask them to discuss in pairs for 2 minutes about this question. -ICQs: - What're you going to do? – read the text quickly. -What're you looking for? An answer for the question. -What is the question? What kinds of behaviors are typical of extroverts and introverts? -How much time do you have to do that? 2 minutes.

While-Reading 1 (10-12 minutes) • • To provide students with challenging reading tasks. To get Ss find details in the reading passage

-I will ask students to read the text on page 40 carefully. - Students should underline the main points in the text and take down useful notes. -After students have read the text, they are supposed to work in pairs for 5 minutes to answer these questions:- What does Susan Cain think our society can learn from introverts? Why? ,-What does the 'Extrovert Ideal' in the title of the article refer to? -ICQs: -Do you have to discuss the question alone or with your partner? (With a partner) -How much time do you have to think about the answer? (5 minutes) -After they are finished and compare their answers with the partners, the teacher checks the answers with the students. -I have students read the text one more time and ask them to answer question (C: Can you find words or expressions in the article that mean these things? Underline them.) on page 40 individually in 7 minutes while reading the text. -Answers: 1. overstimulation (Paragraph 2) 2. contemplative (Paragraph 2) 3. in contrast (Paragraph 2) 4. charismatic (Paragraph 3) 5. discrimination (Paragraph 3) 6. stand out (Paragraph 4) 7. dominant (Paragraph 4) 8. contends (Paragraph 5) 9. retain (Paragraph 5) -I tell students that they should be careful with the words and expressions written in the text. -ICQs: -Do you have to discuss the question alone or with your partner? (Alone) -How much time do you have to think about the answer? (7 minutes) -What should you be careful with ? (words and expressions) - If they have difficulty in guessing the meanings, they are supposed to use a dictionary. Even when they have difficulty in guessing the meanings, they ask for help from me and I help students. -After students are finished with answering the questions related to vocabulary, I provide clarification of the words and answers the questions of the students related to vocabulary.

While-Reading 2 (10-12 minutes) • • To provide students with more challenging reading tasks

-Now students have to work in groups to answer question (D: Complete the sentences below with the correct information. Choose a or b.) on page 41 in 8 minutes. Answers 1. b 4. b 2. b 5. a 3. b 6. b -I tell students that they should use the informations that they understand from the text to answer this question. -ICQs: -Do you have to discuss the question with your partner or in groups? (In groups) -How much time do you have to think about the answers? (8 minutes) -What do you have to use to answer this question?(Informations in the text) -After they are finished , I will check the answers with the students to make sure that they understand the text.

Post-Reading (6-10 minutes) • • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned (speaking activity)

-I will write on the board two questions. - Ask the students to work in groups of three for 6 minutes to discuss and answer these questions: 1. How would you organize an office workplace to accommodate both introverts and extroverts? 2. How would you organize meetings and brainstorming sessions? -ICQs: -Do you have to work individually or in groups? (In groups) -How much time do you have to discuss together? (6 minutes) -How many questions do you have to answer? (2 questions) - Ss work in groups and discuss how they would organize their workplace. Groups present their ideas to the class. The class chooses the best ideas to create a "perfect" workplace.

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