Mohammad Vatankhah Mohammad Vatankhah

TP 2
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, the students are introduced to some adjectives characterizing wild animals through being exposed to a few slides. The slides also feature the pictures of dolphins which establish the context for the lesson where the students' reading skill is to be developed. The students are then engaged in reading for both gist and specific information by going through two texts about dolphins from their pros and cons. Once done with the reading activity, the students are exposed to a short video featuring human beings swimming with dolphins so that they would be ready to discuss an advert for a "swimming with dolphins" holiday package in groups so as to use the target language.


Abc Wildlife handout
Abc Reading handout
Abc wildlife slide
Abc Gist Questions
Abc Specific Questions
Abc Character slide

Main Aims

  • To practice reading for gist and details in the context of wild life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To give Ss extra oral practice using the character adjectives in the context of animal character


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To establish the context for the lesson

The teacher asks his/her students about their attitude towards animals and keeping them as pets. He has the students think about atypical pets and express their opinion. The teacher can have the students think about what wild animal they would adopt as a pet if they were to do so. He puts them in pairs to talk to each other about their decision.

Presenting Vocabulary (7-8 minutes) • To teach some vocabulary characterizing wild animals for use in the next steps

-The teacher shows a slide featuring some wild animals twice - once having them merely watch it and the next time asking them for the student's opinions about the animals they see in the slide. The teacher asks the students to describe why the animals featured in the slide would or would not make good pet. -Through elicitation, the teacher begins teaching some character adjectives like "inquisitive", "aggressive", "cold-blooded", ferocious", "obedient", "vicious", "docile", and "cuddly". -The teacher give the instructions for the first task in the "wildlife" handout, and subsequently distributes the HOs among the students asking them to to the first exercise and compare their answers with their partners.

Reading for gist (5-8 minutes) • To develop students' skill of reading for gist

-The teacher shows the picture of a dolphin using the slides and asks the students to describe it using the adjective they have been presented and then decide if dolphins are tame or wild. -The Teacher preteaches some words from the text like "ordeal", "victim", "territory", "assault", and "autistic". -The teacher gives out the reading HOs and asks the students to read the first of the two texts and answer the relevant gist questions. One finished with the task, the students should check their answers with their partner. They have 2 read the task and 1 minute to compare their answers. -The teacher asks the students to unfold the HO and follows the same procedure as above to have the students read the second text and answer the relevant questions. -Some students are randomly called to share their answers with the whole class.

Reading for specific information (8-10 minutes) • To develop student's scanning skill

-The teacher has the students read both the texts once more and answer the the relevant questions provided for the students in a separate HO. They will have 7 minutes to read the the texts and answer the questions. Once the activity is done, the students are asked to share their answer with each other in groups of 3. -The teacher calls on different groups to share their answers with the whole class.

follow-up speaking practice (9-10 minutes) • To give extra speaking chance with the target language

-The teacher plays a short video about swimming with dolphins, and provides students with a HO featuring a holiday advert for "swimming with dolphins" and asks them about whether they would want to go on such a holiday or not. -To start this activity, the teacher would label the students as A, B, C, and D asking those with the same label to form a group so as to have changed the pattern in which the students interact with each other. -The teacher sets 5 minutes for this activity, and monitors them continuously prompt for any mispronunciation or misuse with the target language. -The teacher asks different groups to summarize their decisions in the group stating their reasons for their decision.

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