Isabel Lorite Isabel Lorite

TP7 LP_Isabel Lorite
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn to identify parts of a formal email and some of its formal phrases, as well as write their own formal email in the context of requesting change of accommodation when studying abroad. The lesson starts with a discussion about studying abroad and accommodation. This is followed by identification of formal language and formal email parts and elements. Finally, students write their own emails and check their classmate’s pieces of writing.


Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have had practice in writing a formal email in the context of asking for a change of accommodation, when studying abroad. They will also be able to identify differences in formal and informal writing, as well as the parts and elements of a formal email.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Gist reading to identify formal and informal emails.
  • Detailed reading to identify formal fixed phrases and the parts of a formal email, as well as to check strong and weak points on peers' pieces of writing.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will start by asking students the following questions to create a context: "Would you like to study abroad? Why/Why not?" "What things do we need to consider to do that?" "What kind of accommodation would you like to have?" I will ask Ss to imagine that they are studying abroad, but they don't like their accommodation. I will then ask Ss what they can do, and elicit "ask for a change of accommodation". So, I will ask Ss if they should write a formal or an informal email to ask for a change of accommodation.

Sample Analysis (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

LANGUAGE (APPROPRIACY) Students will be shown an informal email asking for a change of accommodation. I will ask them if they believe that email is suitable. Dear Ana, I’m having some problems in relation to my accommodation. The place is very old and far from the school. I really need to change to another place ASAP. Can you please help me on that? Thank you. Isabel Next, I will show Ss a formal email asking for the same, and I will ask them if the second one is more suitable, and why. We will highlight the parts that demonstrate that (formal phrases). Dear Mrs. Morgan, I am writing to request a change in accommodation. As you know, I have been studying for two weeks at the South Campus. However, the apartment I am staying is located in the north area of the city, which has caused me some inconvenience, as it takes me around two hours to get to the South Campus. Please find enclosed my accommodation change request form. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Isabel Lorite Then, I will ask students to open a Google Form and individually decide on whether the following sentences are formal or informal. They will be given 2 minutes to do it. 1. Dear Sir or Madam, ( X ) formal ( ) informal 2. Dear all, ( ) formal ( X ) informal 3. I want to ask for a change of booking. ( ) formal ( X ) informal 4. I would like to request a change of booking. ( X ) formal ( ) informal 5. You can see the reservation in attachment. ( ) formal ( X ) informal 6. Please find enclosed the reservation. ( X ) formal ( ) informal 7. I look forward to your hearing from you. ( X ) formal ( ) informal 8. Hope to see you soon! ( ) formal ( X ) informal LANGUAGE (MEANING AND FORM) As we check it, I will ask students what follows the phrase "I look forward to", in order to emphasize the gerund that follows the phrase. Next I will check the meaning of the sentence "I look forward to hearing from you" by using 3 CCQs: 1) Am I hearing you? - No 2) Am I looking for you? - No 3) Am I waiting for your answer? - Yes LAYOUT I will show students the formal email sample again, with six divisions numbered from 1 to 6. On the side, students will see the six parts of a formal email out of order. We will match the part names to the numbers, as follows: 1. Sender, Recipient, and Subject 2. Salutation 3. Introduction 4. Body 5. Closing 6. Final salutation

Productive Task: Writing (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

I will tell students they will write a formal email to request change in accommodation, considering they are studying abroad. I will elicit from them reasons why we could ask for a change in accommodation, in order to help them come up with ideas. I will show them the Google Slides they will use and explain how they will work, by demonstrating it and asking them to pay attention to the bottom comment box, which I will use to give them real time feedback. Then I will send Ss the link to the slides and will assign one student per slide. Students will be given 12 minutes to write their emails. I will be monitoring them and sending written comments individually.

Feedback (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I will ask students to see a checklist on the last slide (in the same Google Slides link), and use it to check a peer's piece of writing indicated by me. This is the checklist: - Are both initial and final salutations formal? - Does the email have a clear sequence of introduction, body, and closing? - What formal phrases can you identify in the email? Students will be given 6 minutes to check their peers' work, and then they will share their comments orally with the whole group.

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