Hala said Hala said

Hala said ,reading lesson, unit 5


Abc Reading article

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan, detailed and inference reading practice using a text about Your right to privacy in the context of Smartphones and privacy

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist, scan, detailed and inference reading practice using a text about Your right to privacy in the context of Learn new vocabulary , practice reading, speaking .


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask Ss Who has a smartphone? Yes Do you play games on your phone ? Yes What is your favorite game ? Fortnight

Pre-Reading/Listening (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre teach the blocking words in the article Opt out : Having the SS look to the picture and tell me what do you think this picture about? Definition : to choose not to be apart of something . CCQS: Does it mean to continue doing something? No Does it mean to stop doing that thing? Yes If you were playing a game with your friends and you got board will you opt out? Yes Opt out ˈɒptˈa͡ʊt I will repeat saying the word three times Then they will repeat the word three times after me. Synonyms : quiet, withdraw Antonym: continue , stay The word form: Verb: opt out Noun: opt out Singular: opt out Plural: opt outs Word in a context what if I want to opt out? Well, since I’m not part of this family I will get to opt out? Malware Definition a software that is specifically designed to disrupt or damage CCQS: Is malware a software? Yes Does this software designed to fix your device? No Have you ever faced a malware that damaged your computer? Yes/ no Malware ‘Malwer Repeat saying the word three times then the SS will repeat after me three times. Word forms Singular: malware Plural : malwares Noun: malware Synonym : virus Antonym: safe software Word in a context Malware threats began to show up on the old desktop computer, slowing its performance. In that case you have perhaps been infected by malware. Then moving to the task : Ask the Ss to work in pair and writing a list for : What kind of privacy issues do people worry about? Do you worry about them too? They will work in pair and discuss their answers in 5 minutes The ICQS: What will you do? Writing a list for things that people worried about their privacy. How you will do the task? In pair How many minutes to finish the task ? 5 minutes .

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Asking the SS to skim the article and find the answers for questions. A What kind of privacy issues do people worry about? Spying on our private data such as our location, photos, Then ask SS to read the article again to find the answers for questions. B What types of information does it mention? Having the SS complete the task and discuss the answer with them . (The article mentions information about who you call, what messages you send, where you are, your account details and passwords)5

While-Reading/Listening #2 (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Exercise c : Ask Ss to scan the article to find the word access and ask a S to say where is the expression and read the sentence ( first paragraph, we use our smart phones to ….. and access emails and social networks. Then let them find the rest of the expressions individuals in 5 minutes The ICQS: What will we do ? Find the expressions? How will you do it? Individually How many minutes? Five minutes After completing the task check the answer with them A-access (paragraph 1) B-underestimated ( paragraph 1) C-concerned (paragraph 1) D-service provider ( paragraph 2) E- opt out ( paragraph 2) D-keep track ( paragraph 2) F-malware ( paragraph 4) G-hacked (paragraph 4) H-out smart ( paragraph 6)

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Ask the Ss to work in pairs and find the answers of exercise d and compare the answers with their partners in 10 minutes. The ICQS: What will we do? Answer the question for exercise D. How will we do it? In pairs How many minutes? 10 minutes. When they finish the task we will check their answer. Possible answers 1. There are few laws against smartphone invasion of privacy because lawmakers haven't kept up with changes in technology. 2. In order to keep your location private, turn off the tracking feature. 3. Third parties want to know your location and personal tastes so they can try to sell you things. 4. Before you download a new app, you should read the privacy statement. 5. You should choose a password that isn't easily guessed and you shouldn't let your smartphone remember your passwords. 6. I know that there are settings on a lot of electronic devices that let you disable the device remotely if it's stolen.

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