Anastasiya Anastasiya

B1-B2 level


In this lesson, students discuss their job hunting experience. It is followed by discussing a job opening and presenting the candidates for this job opening.


Abc Job description and candidates information

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of job candidates

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about job opening in the context of searching for a job
  • To provide clarification of like i said, having said that, that's what I was saying in the context of presenting candidates


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T sets a context of a job interview she had by telling a story. T then asks Ss to tell her about their experience. T presents some questions on the slide to tell about the job ss recently applied for: -Were you confident? -Did you have enough qualifications? -Did you prepare for the interview? -Did you get the job?

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To generate ideas and to read for gist

T presents a job description and asks ss to read it quickly (for gist) and tell if they would like to get that job, why or why not.

Productive Task 1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to develop fluency

T puts ss into breakout rooms. Each group is assigned one of three candidates. Ss should discuss the following questions: What benefits can he/she bring? Are there any skills he/she doesn’t have? T monitors and writes down examples of good and bad language.

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks (presentation)

T elicits some examples of a language to give an opinion. T asks Ss to make a screenshot. T then presents ss a language in the context of presenting candidates that another ss group used. T asks Ss to match the meaning. T also asks Ss to identify the sentence stress and drills it chorally and individually.

Productive Task 2 (8-10 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to develop fluency and accuracy

T changes the groups students are working into. T asks ss to present the candidate they were discussing in a new group. T checks the understanding of the task: Do you discuss or present the candidate? Do you work in the same groups? Which candidate are you going to present? T monitors and writes down the examples of good and bad language.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-9 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T presents some good and bad examples of language that she noticed while monitoring. T asks Ss to say if it is right or wrong. In case it is wrong, Ss should correct it. T may nominate Ss.

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