Ekaterina Zimakova Ekaterina Zimakova

Functional TP6
Elementary level


Abc Resource for the presentation

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for making phone calls in the context of everyday conversations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of office phone calls


Warmer/Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T show slide 1 on the Jamboard and ask Ss the questions:Do you like talking on the phone?Why do you talk on the phone? What was the last phone call? Who did you call? Why? T shows ideas and model answers: 'I don't like talking on the phone, I prefer texting. I sometimes talk with my family' and others.. T sends Ss to BORs to discuss these questions for 2 min and I asks ICQ. T listens to their conversations for DEC.

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T announces that Ss are going to listen to a conversation and before listening sent a link to google.forms ( https://forms.gle/LsebooGqathRfMrQ9) and cues Ss to the questions there. Asks ICS: Are you reading the questions? Are you going to listen after that? What 3 things will you answer? T starts the Audio, Ss answer and discuss as an open class. Check. Answers are shown in Slide 3.

Highlighting the TL (4-6 minutes) • Draw Ss attention to the TL

T announces that Ss will listen again and before the 2nd listening shares a link to google.forms (https://forms.gle/F8MTHHkZY7eabSm18). Asks Ss ICQs if there is no problems with opening the link and to make sure they understood all steps 1) read the statements 2) listen the audio 3) choose answers. T sents Ss to BORs, they compare answers and come back in OC. Additionally, T shows Slide 5 and to the presentation in PowerPoint. T cues Ss to highlight the marker sentences and after that, Ss break the conversation into three stages (start- main point- ending)

Clarification MPFA (8-10 minutes) • To clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Meaning. T provides Slide 5 and Ss have to match phrases under 4 headings, under 'Asking to speak to people', 'Saying who you are', 'Calling people back', 'Useful phrases'. Ss work together, T monitors and help. T asks CCQs: Hello, can I speak to (Emily), please? - Am I speaking to Emily? No. etc Hold on a moment, she's here.- Should the caller stop the call? No. etc This is (Emily Wise) from (3DUK). - Am I speaking to Emily? Yes etc I got your message. - Did I receive you message? Yes. Form.T provides Slide 6 Ss match the phrases with the expressions with the best words to match them. Pronunciation and Appropriacy: T shows slide 8 on the jamboard T will show the phrases and their pronunciation, intonation and stress pattern and drill chorally and individually.

Productive Task(s) (9-13 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T sets controlled practice as 2 tasks in google. forms and divides Ss into As and Bs. A https://forms.gle/ehRmFxKgGPxNfBRb9 B https://forms.gle/oc3k2wLQG3T8FEHg7 Ss finish individually when check as OC. T monitor for DEC T sets freer practice as 2 situations for two role-plays. Ss are divided into groups according to A and B and T gives differrent groups different situations to role-play. Situation 1 S a You call 'b' about a contract. S b You are very busy now, but can call in an hour. Situation 2 S a You take a phone call. S b You want to talk with a friend about going to the cinema, but another person took the phone. Ss are sent to BORs. T monitor.

Feedback and Error Correction (6-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T shows Slide 11 on the jamboard and gives feedback to Ss.

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