David Manuel Valentim Bembele David Manuel Valentim Bembele

Review of extreme and non-extreme intensifiers and adjectives
Upper-Intermediate Block 2 level


in this lesson students will revise intensifiers (extreme and non-extreme) as well as extreme and non-extreme adjectives through listening and gap filling activities. As for further practise students will do a simulation activity where they will work in pairs and acting a role.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of extreme and non-extreme intensifiers; extreme and non-extreme adjectives in the context of quite, really, totally, absolutely, completely; deafening, terrifying, tired, exhausted, etc.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about different ways of giving emphasis in the context of people chatting


Warmer • To get students ready for the lesson and introduce them to the topic of the lesson

I'll give some three or four sentences about me using some of the language will be practising, with focus on real facts. Then, I'll the students that we'll be looking at ways of giving emphasis when we speak.

Lead in • To provide context and arouse students' interest for the lesson

I'll tell students to look at the picture on page 68 of st's book and guess what the two people shown might be saying to each other. Then, I'll tell them to quickly look at the text attached and decide what the missing words in the passage to add emphasis.

Listening 1 • Listening for for specific information

Teacher tells students they're going to listen to a conversation between the two people in the picture and write down the words missing in the text. The recording will be played once. Students will be given one minute to check their words before they compare in pairs. After checking in pairs the class will elicit feedback from them. If there is a situation of lack of consensus, the teacher will play the recording for the second time.

Concept building • To help students notice the effect of the use of the words they have just filled in: focus on meaning

The teacher will ask students to discuss in pairs what they notice when they look and read the sentences with and without the added words. As for the feedback the teacher will elicit opinions from students. If need be, the teacher will add or clarify more.

Practise 1 • To provide more opportunity for the students to practise the different ways of giving emphasis and help them build confidence to use them in a less restricted control
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